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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Chinook Salmon

So I wasn't even going to go fishing today, but since we got off early around noon I don't know what the hek happened, but before I knew it I was fishing down by the river again. This time showed up to the same hole as yesterday and even still had on that copper #4 Vibrax so figured why not give it another whirl and see if there are any takers... Well after a few hours of trying that and many other spoons and spinners I just decided to give it a rest with the Salmon and so I put down by Lamiglas rod and bigger Shimano reel and picked up my little brush beater 6' 6" Berkeley rod with a smaller Shimano 2000 reel both rated for 6-10lb test... I have 12 lb test on there right now.

I decided to walk upstream a bit and try a little swifter water where it looked like it could hold some Steelhead or Dolly's, so I swung out my Mepps spinner dodging some branches and targeting a key area that I thought would hold some fish. Well after the 4th cast I about chit my pants because that trout I was looking for ended up being another King (go figure) but this time of a decent size ! I just about got spooled out 3 times, and once even went right to the last of the line as I pray the final knot on the reel would hold just for a sec while I try and gain some line back... Wow, what a hog, and not the easiest to bring in since again, no net, and this time the shoreline was a little more abrupt. But after about 15 minutes the female hatchery Chinook just over 3 feet long (38") came to rest at my feet =) Not sure how much it weighed but it was a little better than the others. Thought maybe it was gonna be a buck, but again a female... Only have got 2 makes so far... I guess they'll get up here in time imagine. Lol.

Good luck out there !


7/19/2011 6:30:00 AM
Incredible! Thanks for the great reports and pictures. Keep it up.
7/19/2011 6:50:00 AM
You bet ! And thank you... Honestly that one hole is either really good, or I'am now on the verge of it all being lucky ! But it also is all convenient as I have a cabin where the Skykomish is a 7 minute walk out the backdoor, walking distance to the Wallace mouth also, and only 7 miles to Reiter...Hehe =)
7/19/2011 6:54:00 AM
aaaanother dead fish 'n only rated a 3 !!! lololol takes a LOT to make it a good enough day to rate it a 5 !!!!... nice fish
7/19/2011 7:10:00 AM
Haha Grey dog ! Yeah not sure what that rating stuff is all about yet... I saw I could have made it any number while filling out the report, but whatever. Lol =) Thank-you tho ! Funny thing, but this is the only Chinook I have caught so far where it did not leave the water surface and create such a havoc... Just wanted to hug the bottom and not leave that hole, but did make a few scary torpedo runs smokin' my reel. Ugh, not much line with 12lb test and a little Shimano 2000 that only holds 100 yds with 10 lb test ! There is a better picture under "my albums" of the fish, there must have been an error while trying to upload it to the report ;) Good luck to ya !
jerome iverson
7/19/2011 8:37:00 AM
nice king man u have been on a roll lately so please do tell where abouts on the river you been fishing
7/19/2011 8:56:00 AM
What?! Again?! Nice! Amazing, I've got to get out there.
7/19/2011 10:20:00 AM
wow your amazing lol your bombing these salmon
7/19/2011 10:27:00 AM
hell yea man iim getting out there as soon as i can.man once i read that you were using a tiny rod and you hooked to a salmon the first thing that came to my mind was your line was gonna snap or the rod lol but nice fish
Gringo Pescador
7/19/2011 10:32:00 AM
J-M - nice job out there man! Thanks for the reports and pics been enjoying them. I am hoping this is my year for a keeper river king, we'll see. Problem is I spend too much time up river from you hunting steel.
Mr Lucky - SHhhh - he is on the Skykomish between Gold Bar and Monroe... don't tell anyone I told you though.. ;)
7/19/2011 12:23:00 PM
This is painful to watch. I will someday catch a fish larger than 3lbs. Lmao. I wish I had a super secret squirrel spot. hehe.
7/19/2011 12:32:00 PM
7/19/2011 1:31:00 PM
dude your a great fisher, i have fished the sky for two years and have yet to catch a nice king salmon i wish i had better luck
7/19/2011 1:40:00 PM
Im going this week ill tell you how it went
7/19/2011 7:32:00 PM
Are you fishing in the Wallace? The color of that water looks like it.
7/19/2011 8:05:00 PM
Gringo, always enjoy reading your Steel reports and from the other regulars since I've been here ;) Kingfisher, let us know how it goes this weekend ! I fished for about 6 hours today, but no luck. Kinda quiet out there today... Lawdog, keep putting in your time tho and you will ! I fish a lot, so gotta figure that in... Kinda like the person who keeps winning at the casino and then everyone seems to want to go then to win. Well how much money and time did that person put in at the casino to keep winning ?? Lol =) Fish everyday, let the hours add up, and I bet you would then. Hehe. Chengpu, You can't fish the Wallace for Kings, but you can on the lower portion for Steelhead tho... ;) I tried the lower Wallace to see if I could get into any Steelhead, but definately didn't seem promising as I tried a few weeks ago. Haha, the pics of the water could look different just because I use Photobucket to resize the pics and then the auto-fix feature can change the coloring of the pic just a bit. There is a water inlet source that dumps in nearby and that is where I usually clean the fish and possibly why they hang there =) Good luck out there !
7/19/2011 8:23:00 PM
ok im on it if i catch one ill tell ya and report on the site toim going to take a wader so i can walk around the river and get to the place little better
7/19/2011 8:36:00 PM
better get em while ya can they are shutting it down for kings on the 23rd, returns have been weak and they are not meeting escapement.
7/19/2011 9:22:00 PM
that sucks im going on the 21st so no worry's to me
7/19/2011 9:26:00 PM
actually i just read it closed on the 31st or the 30th something around there
7/19/2011 10:46:00 PM
the 31st is the date listed in the rulebook, there is an emergency closure happening.
7/20/2011 12:26:00 AM
Nice bro, I have been fishing the sky, and I havent seemed to land them...I will be going to the Wallace this weeked, on Sat...I havent had any luck at Reiter, either seen only a few caught..
7/20/2011 6:13:00 AM
I have a relative who works for fish and game here and he hinted to me last week that they might do that. They already decided to close it on the 23rd since they only got around 600 returned at the hatchery so far... There goal was something over 3,000, but I've also heard the run is late also, so dunno. If they meet there goal, they would re-open it but I don't see that happening.
7/20/2011 3:17:00 PM
were u fishing at reiter?
7/21/2011 12:12:00 AM
do salmon like kings go past the wallace, or do they all go to the wallace? and where should i fish? only place i havnt tried is ben howard. need to know good holes to fish season ends soon wanna be put on some good ol fish
7/21/2011 2:21:00 PM
decided i should head out there on friday lets hope i catch a chinook
Gringo Pescador
7/21/2011 2:50:00 PM
Kings go past the wallace, but you cannot keep em up there. The last day to fish for them in the Sky is tomorrow (Friday 07/22), the WDFW is closing it early due to low returns. Better get on it tomorrow!
7/21/2011 3:05:00 PM
gonna head up there tomorrow, tried all the spots i know of and nothing, so last try for me is ben howard hopefully can find some bank fishing there. otherwise im lost haha, at least i hooked into like 15 kings only caught 3, on the wallace, the one day the game wardens didnt come haha. good eats
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709