Mike Hutsell
8/1/2011 12:06:00 PM
8/1/2011 12:31:00 PM
8/1/2011 5:13:00 PM
8/1/2011 6:15:00 PM
8/7/2011 3:27:00 PM
8/8/2011 8:12:00 AMThe smallmouth bass are not what have decimated the redband trout out of the spokane river you can blame Avista but also the North Idaho counties allowing landowners to suck water out of the aquifer. Now the upper river is lower and warmer than at any time in history. It is not the small mouth that have depleted the trout population. What has happened is the trout are moving downstream to where the aquifer is recharging the Spokane with cold water again. The trout stay down in this cooler water and the bass stay up in the warmer water. The fish biologist I have talked to say that snorkel assessments have shown that it is almost like an invisable barrier between the two species.
It is too bad that the pollutant situation is not better so that some of these Smallmouth Bass could be caught and eaten by fishermen that eat fish. Then maybe the smallmouth would get to a nice size and not overpopulate and get smaller as often happens with bass.
I have had some fun days on the upper river catching small mouth, everyone might as well enjoy them they are not going away.
Whenever I see someone keeping fish from the spokane catch and release area, I approach them and tell them they are poaching and better move on or I will call the WDFG, Spokane State patrol or the local sheriff and they do respond. I have had people ticketed and arrested. It is illegal what you are asking to do, by keeping any fish from this area.