8/11/2011 5:36:00 AMSKYKOMISH RIVER (Snohomish Co.)
mouth to Lewis St. Bridge in Monroe
ALL SPECIES - Aug. 1-Nov. 30: night closure and anti-snagging rule. Nov. 1-Feb. 15: fishing from any
floating device prohibited from boat ramp below Lewis St. Bridge at Monroe to 2,500' downstream.
Dolly Varden/Bull Trout June 1-Feb. 15 Min. size 20". May be retained as part of the TROUT daily limit.
All Other TROUT June 1-Feb. 15 Min. size 14". Daily limit 2.
Other Game Fish June 1-Feb. 15 Statewide min. size/daily limit.
SALMON June 1-July 31 Min. size 12". Daily limit 2 hatchery CHINOOK only.
SALMON Aug. 16-Dec. 31 Min. size 12". Daily limit 3, plus 1 additional PINK. Release CHINOOK and CHUM

8/11/2011 6:34:00 AM
8/11/2011 6:20:00 PM