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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Duwamish River Report
King County, WA



Pink Salmon

This report is for a fishing trip that occurred last Saturday, 8/20.

Between 8am - 10am is when we caught all of our fish. My first cast hooked a pink buck that I lost because of bad netting technique. 15 minutes later, I hooked another buck and managed to land this one. With the following cast I hooked into a silver, which gave me a very impressive fight full of jumps and runs up and down the river. I was able to land it as well. Closer to 10am, I hooked and landed another pink buck. The friend I was with lost 1 and landed a monster buck, about 8 lbs.

After 10am, you could still see them rolling and jumping, but they definitely stopped biting. I returned on Sunday for about an hour during the same time and they did not bite at all. These fish are kind of tough to figure out.

The pinks are in great eating condition here. I was able to make sashimi out of them. The fish I catch out of the Puyallup and Snohomish are pretty much only good for smoking.


8/23/2011 3:48:00 PM
What works best for Duwamish and what is the best area on there should i bring a boat or is shore better i only been there once but never really fished there thanks i'll probably try there on friday we will see
8/23/2011 4:28:00 PM
Maaaan, why'd U bury the pretty coho? Ah well, at work I guess pinks are decent eye candy as well.

Sashimi? That's a bit adventurous even for me :-) I did have a friend make up some nice sushi thouhg last year with fresh chinook and it was delicious with a bit of wasabe.

Thanx for the report!! Nice to see the Duwi put out a few fish.
8/23/2011 5:30:00 PM
there is no coho in that box.. Look at the tails. Nice catch though
8/23/2011 5:37:00 PM
Isn't the one on top a coho? It was a different color (silver) than the greener pinks I caught. Oh well, if its not a silver then it was a pink hen. :)
8/24/2011 12:21:00 AM
Nice fish!
Gringo Pescador
8/24/2011 8:12:00 AM
That low in the system, the hens are still really bright, the bucks start turning that emerald green and humping up.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709