8/31/2011 7:57:00 PM
The Quadfather
8/31/2011 8:21:00 PM
8/31/2011 9:50:00 PM
8/31/2011 10:14:00 PM
8/31/2011 10:21:00 PMI am going to be there at the Langus park on Friday morning as well. I hope to see you there, I am originally from India.
BTW, one questoin, is it okay to have a bait with 2 single hooks one below the other? What are the regs for the snohomish river in terms of hooks? I guess treble hooks are not allowed on any river, and all single hooks need to be barbless. Am i right?

9/1/2011 10:32:00 AMIf you actually went out and caught some fish instead of trolling the internet you would find out that the salmon this year (not just pinks) are running rather large. I have seen firsthand and caught some pinks that are well above average size this year, with a few getting close to the 8-9-10 lbs mark.... If your really upset about someones report and think that its falsified, your getting your panties tied up over something completely out of your control.... It's the internet, relax buddy, get out and catch some fish...