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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skokomish River Report
Mason County, WA



Drift Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Corky & Yarn
All Day

In October of '07 I got My First Chum,
August of '10 I got my first King,
September of '09 i got my first Pink,
And Yesterday, I got my first Silver !

Yesterday at the skok, i was havin a good day, out of all my buddies out there I was the only one who limited. I caught a 14 pound King at about 11 in the morning, i had to use pliers my hook was so far down its mouth. And at about 3 in the afternoon, i felt a "tap tap" set the hook. and a beautiful silver starts dancing, after a few minute battle, i landed a healthy -approx 13 pound silver- i release all wild fish I catch unless its legal then sometimes id keep 'em, but i decided to let this one swim another day. Didnt get a picture- i fell in the river while battling the 14 pounder- i fell backwards and hit my back on a log, bruised my back, pole still in hand my head flipped forward and hit another log, then i went all the way under the water. Busted 3 teeth out, when i finally came up i had blood drippin down the side of my mouth, and threw all of this i NEVER ONCE let go of my pole. So my phone got ruined, needless to say my mouth hurts like h*** today. After i got the silver at about 5 that evening i hooked a fish right in the mouth, i could tell it was chrome, and a nice fish. One of my buddies was there with his neice who had never caught a fish over 5 pounds- i called her over-"Hey Ashley, Come here!"- she came and i handed over my rod. She battled the fish, and brought a BEAUTIFUL 23 pound hen to the shore. Put it on her card and she was hooked. I now see why some members on here enjoy helping others catch fish, that smile they put on there face is something I wouldnt forget. Anyways, I continued fishing, and caught a NICE fish, really fat and big, it was in the mouth. But someone else caught it before me, and cut the adipose fin off. I thought id be better safe then sorry and let it swim another day. So about an hour after that I finally caught my last fish of the day a nice 19 pound hen. I used my usual. Over the day I went 4/17. Had an pretty awesome and memorable day at my playgroun ! other then a messed up back and mouth. Well goin out again tomorrow ! School wednesday, my fishing is gettin cut short. :(


9/4/2011 4:24:00 PM
Is this the same FishBait that broke his arm fishing for carp? AZ? If so, be CAREFUL out there. LOL Great report.......... Congrats on your first coho!
9/4/2011 4:34:00 PM
LOL , thanks Mark ! I hadn't seen you on here in a while, are you out there on the water TRYING to catch fish? LOL
9/4/2011 5:24:00 PM
Oh! I'm catching them! 10 pinks in the brine and smokers as we speak. Chrome, from the Shipwreck. Boat fishing. I haven't had much luck from the river banks. One today from the Duwamish, but, LOL, not CHROME. Might head back to Shipwreck this week. It's all good!
9/4/2011 5:28:00 PM
http://washingtonlakes.com/ReportComment.aspx?id=3286&lid=11&t=2 This should take you to my best day on the Sound this year.
9/4/2011 7:30:00 PM
Nice to see you got the hang of flossing.
9/4/2011 7:41:00 PM
Really dude? A hook that is 4 inches down a fishes throat is flossing isnt it? And when im watching my yarn sit on top of a shelf, and I see a fish come up and take my yarn thats flossing to. Quit your s***. Not every guy out there flosses or snags man. Ever think of that? Maybe some of us are just good fisherman? Naah thats all wrong isnt it, every one of us out there flosses. ONLY way we can catch fish ! Looks like im gettin the hang of sarcasim to huh? Dude, just shut up and fish.
9/4/2011 7:45:00 PM
I'd love to learn how to floss! I'm sure pendletonjohn can teach me how! LOL
9/4/2011 7:51:00 PM
LOL Mark , Maybe He can teach EVERYBODY who salmon fishes in WA state how not to floss !
9/4/2011 8:13:00 PM
Nice job fishbait!!! today i cuaght my first sivler of the year in the sound today a 12 pounder. man you are on fire!!
9/4/2011 8:31:00 PM
Thanks EH ! I'll post another one tomorrow (i hope), yeah this one was my first one ive ever caught, hadda blast landin it, hopin to get a few more this year ! GL
9/4/2011 9:20:00 PM
You can floss for salmon in wa state? Man here I was waitin around waiting for bites. One day Ill learn as well lol. Good job FB
9/4/2011 9:29:00 PM
Cool fishing story. I wish I live closer to the Skok. Then I can have a decent shot at catching kings. So did u get ur teeth reinstalled in your mouth?
9/4/2011 9:55:00 PM
Nice to see you got the hang of flossing.
9/4/2011 10:06:00 PM
Its easy run your leaders over 4 feet. 7 foot leader equals flossing and if thats not your intent short tje leader lighten the weight throw alittle ferther upstream. If they are actually taking your offering then there is no need for such a long leader. Plus its way easier to cast.
9/4/2011 10:24:00 PM
Ive caughten many kings on 4 ft leaders, I wont change the amount of led I use. I fish in a COMBAT fishery, If i cast upstream it causes problems with other fisherman. Everybody on the river uses 3/4 oz, if i use lighter, my rig will drift into others, causing problems. Call it flossing, call it whatever the hell you want, I call it catchin fish, and i dont give a s*** what you think of it. I'll catch fish the way I do, ill continue doin it. You're debating with a 13 year old about flossing. If you wanna debate with people about flossing, well go over to the river forum, and debate with all of the drift fisherman on there. Good Luck to ya. I'm done, i dont feel like arguing like an 8 year old over how to fish corectly.

LOL 'pooh, learn somethin new every day huh? :P
returnofthefish, i use to live in puyallup-quite a drive from the skok, but i promise you man its worth the drive.
9/4/2011 10:29:00 PM
Btw thanks 'pooh !

I love hearin great fisherman like yourself tell me I did a good job !
Thanks for all the tips everyone !
9/4/2011 10:37:00 PM
No prob FB I sent dude a pm and told him my take on things for ya. If he dont get it he can ask and Ill fill him in some more. 4ft dont equal flossing 9ft dont equal flossing. Hell I can take a 2ft leader and still floss fish. Its an fishing artform if you can do it right and not set the hook ever 2 - 5 seconds like most are doing. Flossing dont equal snagging. Snagging equals snagging and if your flossing proper your not snagging. Like you said the fish zip out from under that shelf and hit the corky and yarn like they are mad. Now I will tell ya this I went over to that side looked at the fish and only had a few mins before I had to go home and I flossed one in the chops so I didnt go home empty handed. Flossing is easy when ya know how to do it. FB actually waits for bites.
9/4/2011 10:54:00 PM
Besides the guys that toss farther upstream and think that helps them out makes me laugh also. You end up not feeling your drift until your slack is gone usually and if your tossing up river your slack really isnt going to be gone untill you reel up your slack and your weight is right in front of you. Toss up no more then 1 - 130 or 1030-11 and your golden anything else is just uncivilized lol. But I just started fishing this pink season and still use a pier pole rated at 20-50lbs and these are just pinks and dont usually get over 8 if your lucky. So I never feel them bite. I need to go get a rod rated 4-8lbs that way I can feel the lil ones lol hahahahaha.
Salmon Famon
9/4/2011 11:08:00 PM
Hey Fish Bait, You are doing absolutely great! I wish i could get out to the skok but its a bit of a drive for a day fishing. I've gone before and did quite well. I am a 15 year old and I get the same crap from people who think the way i catch fish is wrong but like you said if the hook is down your throat than im pretty damn sure that the fish are taking it. Young fisherman like us need to keep together! Haha Floss on bro lol
9/5/2011 8:20:00 PM
Thanks 'pooh I really appreciate it ! Yeah I floss, only if I cant get the fish I want to bite, otherwise, im becomin the dentist and flossin. And then usually I hook up with the fish. I flossed me a nice silver today ! Report to come,

Salmon Famon, i totally agree !
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709