9/12/2011 7:31:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Looks like the nets have killed the river for the time being. Fished at 112th and it was very dead. There were still fish but the numbers were way down and they are off the bite. Fished from nine to noon and managed 3 of 5 but i had to constantly switch things up. I got one on a drifted hoochie, 1 on dick nite, and one on a hoochie spinner. There was about 10 people in my general area and i only saw 2 fish caught besides myself (not counting the snagger who hooked 4 fish and kept them). It wouldnt be so bad but i think after running the gauntlet of nets the fish wont hit a damn thing. I even ran a flossing rig with a 8 foot leader and corkie/yarn to see if i could pick up anything, nada.
I took a drive down river after fishing to take a look at the nets and its a joke. I dont understand how they are even allowed to fish that way. Encourage your friends and family to not buy fish caught in this manner. I know Safeway sells Muckleshoot fish. I think if more people saw the river with all the nets they would be outraged. I know the white man screwed the indians over and i think they are entitled to there share of the fish. But there has got to be a better way.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service