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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Pink Salmon

After being at the Mariners game last night until almost 11:00 p.m. I managed to drag myself down to the river for another go at the Humpy run. It was slow from 6:30 until 9:30 and after trying several different spots I decided to just drive up river towards Snohomish to see what kind of bank access was up that way. After passing by all the cars that were parked along the highway I decided to stop and check it out. There were two guys there that said that the "bite" had just started and they were nice enough to let me join them. I had never really paid much attention to the guys in the boats before but I started to notice that it wasn't long after someone in a boat hooked into a fish that I would do the same so I started to watch them and as soon as there would be a hookup I knew it was time for me to make sure my hootchie jig was in the water and it paid off with a limit of hens by 11:15. I still can't believe how strong these fish are!

The best part of the morning was when two older gentlemen (one visiting from out of state) came by to try their luck and as I was getting ready to leave the fella from Tenn. asked if he could take a picture of my fish to send to his brothers who lived in Florida. I did him one better and took a picture of him holding not only my 4 fish but one of the other guys 4 fish and we sent that to them with him laughing about the "cow" they were gonna have when they saw what he caught.

My thanks to the guys who let us share their fishing hole. Except for the guys in the boats who seem to think it's their river and they can come flying through the area you're fishing any 'ol time they want, it was a great way to spend the morning.


9/16/2011 1:45:00 AM
Even those of us in boats have to deal with other boats flying by when we are trying to fish. We all just have to realize it is not a big river and we all have to share it. Always keep a look out before you cast to make sure there are no boats coming, and if you are in a boat, always watch out for people casting and either go around, or, if you can't, stop and wait for them to reel in.
9/16/2011 11:21:00 AM
Bryce said it all, we have to share the river not fight over it. I fish from boat and shore. I must admit the boaters have the more obnoxious behavior, but is only a few of them that piss off all the bank fishermen. I seem to have boats that want to anchor in front of me when bank fishing. To me it is a no brainer that you dont anchor in front of bank fishermen within reach of their casting arm. When passing bank fishermen in my boat I alway maintain a wide berth. I have had other bank fishermen cast in front of me when I'm fishing from the bank as well. My point is that we all need to considerate when in boat or on the bank.
9/16/2011 1:28:00 PM
I would rather have a boat go by at full throttle than have one idle by. It acutally produces less wake.
9/16/2011 3:00:00 PM
there is no point taking an hour to get up river to the next hole.. i'm sorry to say. when you have a boat u might as well use it to get where u want to fish. if a line isn;t in the water you have no chance on catching fish..
9/16/2011 9:12:00 PM
HillBillyGeek.... ABSO-f'in-LUTELY! I always just monitor the other boats & watch for lines casting in the horizon. When anchored, I always hate it when people slow wayyyyy down creating a nice bigarse WAKE rather than being on-step and navigating properly. I can only go about ~26mph MAX....and leave little wake if on-step.
9/17/2011 12:37:00 PM
Glad you had a successful day on the Snohomish. It's been such a great fishery for me this year and I've appreciated each fish that made it into my boat.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709