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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Duwamish River Report
King County, WA



Pink Salmon

OK so inspiration struck.

I was at work last night, contemplating hitting the river and skipping out of work on sick leave for a couple hours just to see if any fish were around. I knew from the previous day's 10 minute fishing tirp that there were some jumpers.

Something inside just said 'go or else'. Well OK it wasn't inside, it was was what I was muttering under my breath while wandering around work trying to remember what my job was.

Anyhow, while at work I kept thinking of pooh with a pimp hat on for some reason, thinking of islandbass's mega-efficient lunch breaks, Toni's huge chinook worn across her chest like a girl scout merit badge sash, spokey diving for a buzz bomb after limiting on pinks, jens's noodle rodding for summer steel, Gringo Pescador's jig twitching method, Matt's fishing ('n catching I might add) 7 days a week for weeks in a row, fishbait's 50th (or whatever number he's on) Skok salmon, nate's second punch card filled, dicinu's Puy Coho, bodofish's smoked salmon tips, wolverine in a kayak getting pulled around by a chinook... and then something cracked my train of thought:
LORDY! (OK, had to plug 'OL GREY). A vision appeared and spoke to me- WHERE DO YOU FIT INTO THIS LINE OF THINKING? Hmm, I was thinking of all these others but not ME. As the face became more in tune and less blurred I realized it was actually Mike Carey :-0 U know he kinda looks like a fishing god when at work and hearing voices.

That's when I knew I was suffering either a heart attack and near death or else some kind of B run strain of fish flu. I figured it may be the latter so I went into my boss and said : "I'm outta here, I'll be back before 8 (PM). I have an imp[ortant appointment I can't miss." It was 4:30 PM.

So I went to see the Green River doctor riverside and he gave me some GOOOD medicine. A full limit of medicine. Not only that, I was back at work by around 7:30 PM so with lunch/dinner break was able to only burn 2.5 hours sick leave! Hah! Islandbass would be proud. I had to take the pics when I got home late cuz I didn't have camera with me. Oh, and one pink was kinda big and red on the inside. ;-) Talk about a bonus.
Oops, I'm being called to duty.
Wanted to write more but...O boy, got a house full of wife's relatives around so gotta go now. Good luck all on the water!


9/16/2011 2:01:00 PM
This is one of the best reports ever! Hope your cured. Thanks for the report and nice job out there
9/16/2011 2:39:00 PM
I might be hearing voices again at work. Ugh...

Well at least the vision of Mike Carey appearing as a fish god hasn't hit yet. The medicine musta worked a little bit :-).

PS- the skinless fish can be explained. I don't like slime, just ask Gringo Pescador. BTW GP- that coho was from the 'spot' and it scared me when I realized it was a coho and not a big pink buck with that darn 6 pound mono (had already broken off/lost 3 pinks and the jigs due to a snag out there downstream slightly lying up/downstream direction). I saw it hit hard just below the surface but thought it was just a decent bright pink until it got real close and I tried to self net. Then I went "OH FIDDLESTICKS!!' Or something like that. Probably the best partial day at work EVER! :-) Hope some others get to live the life, even if only in fleeting moments... Fishing is good for the soul.
9/16/2011 3:31:00 PM
nice silver!
9/16/2011 4:08:00 PM
I'm with you on that one knotabassturd, i hear those voices at work too...HAHA! I've been going to snohomish and skykomish waiting around for the silvers. Are there any good spots for bank fishing for coho's that are coming in? I work in renton.
9/16/2011 4:55:00 PM
LOL I'm off to see the doctor AGAIN. Why didn't I think of this before...? Hope today works out even half as well as yesterday's appointment.
9/16/2011 5:42:00 PM
Right on, bro! That is what it's all about!!!! The call, or urge, or whatever we want to call it to fish is undeniable and cannot be suppressed. I've taken some notes on your episode of fishing. Looks like I need to make an appointment myself. Thanks for writing an enjoyable report. And chalk it up in your win column for showing that coho in the green are lock-jawed. I am looking forward to catching a silver in a river. Mind you, I am not a fishing master by any stretch and if it means anything, I am proud of you. You done did good!!
9/16/2011 5:44:00 PM
Darn! I forgot to put the quotes on "lock-jawed". My point was that knota dispelled that myth.
Dirty Deeds
9/16/2011 5:45:00 PM
That's awesome buddy! Did a few of those take a vinegar bath?
9/16/2011 9:44:00 PM
ib- the coho hit it while I was using a short quicker retrieve and I could see it following it maybe 2- 2 1/2 feet under surface kinda lightly mouthing at it before it took a decent rip at it and ran but same pink jig (1/4 ounce) as catching any other pink (marabou tail). I change my retrieve up a lot while fishing unless hooking up constantly.
BTW, tonight the doctor prescribed medicine called ON DA HOOK! Too bad no coho mojo and just pinks though. Forgot the pheasant tailfeather hat... Burned another 2+ hours of sick leave but good medicine is worth it :-) Thanx Deeds- it is good to see your little guy getting and staying after them! He's gettin' big quick.
9/16/2011 10:06:00 PM
This has been an entertaining report. Can't wait to read more. Mike as a fish god. ;-) funny
9/16/2011 11:05:00 PM
Awesome! You know you got it. We all hear the same voices. Can't stay off the water for too long, glad to see you back off the wagon!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709