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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Pink Salmon

Another extended lunch break and visit to the riverside doctor.

Same prescription- fish ON DA HOOK! Well OK it was just pinks but when you are in the middle of a work day and 30 minutes later on the water fishing and catching, even pinks seem like heavenly fish :-) This go-round I switched up to 10 pound mono (just in case I hooked a boot chinook or nice coho or just want to get a pink in fast- huge difference).

No luck on coho and it was tougher fishing so I kept everything I caught (other than one foul-hooked fish) to get back to work without burning too much time. Couple of the bucks were looking whitish on the flesh side: see skinless pic. Oh and no vinegar to get skin off just straight ripping skin off with hands like you see seals do or bears with their mouths when they catch fish. I might practice with the teeth if fish flu hits hard with coho. Took same amount of time as prior day but left later so it started getting dark while clenaing the fish at the river and I didn't g et to pick thru what I caught (prior day culled out I think 3 bucks).

Rated this 3 stars cuz they're pinks and they weren't on every or even every other cast. Had to work for them a bit but they're still in there.

Good luck everyone on the water. And to those that can't get out- hope the reports make the day a bit easier. That pinks vid by Mike and Gringo Pescador looks like good medicine too. Now gotta go do family stuff (wife's relatives from out of town visiting) for the weekend to round out a nice week.


9/17/2011 4:00:00 PM
I'm going to ask a dumb question.....why do you skin the fish?
9/17/2011 6:23:00 PM
Slug slime. Get rid of the skin and that slug slime is gone for good. There are other methods of course to get rid of/reduce the slime factor, but it is more fun peeling off the skin streamside while grinning and looking at the onlookers looking at me. They all seem too shy to ask your question for some reason ;-) Not a dumb question at all, it's a rather unorthodox method and some belly meat gets pulled off.
9/17/2011 10:22:00 PM
Just curious, how do they turn out after smoking them without the skin?
9/18/2011 10:40:00 AM
I didnt know Knot knew how to fish... :P
Lol, nice fish Knot !
9/18/2011 12:16:00 PM
fishbait- I don't know how to fish. Not enough practice and too much fish daydreaming warps the technique more than a little ;-) But I'm determined when I am out. losaturn- they turn out great. I use a light salt brine so don't have to worry about them being in brine longer (usually soak 14-24 hours). Without the skin they get a more even flavor of brine too. Plus I don't rinse them so they get a light sweetness from the brown sugar (use 2 cups loosley scooped brown sugar and shy 1/2 cup salt in 1/2 gallon apple juice/water equal portion mix and a bit of teriyaki). Also the smoke flavor is a bit stronger with the smoke hitting the underside flesh and not skin. I like a heavy smoke and use a bunch of alder chip loads in the first hour or so. Congrats on your coho BTW!! Nice fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709