10/4/2011 12:23:00 PM
10/4/2011 2:28:00 PMNot the first bag of garbage pickep up but that bag was actually light cuz I only had a few minutes on the way to work. But ya it can be a bit annoying. I will give a little bit of positive note in that at least the beer cans were clustered into a neat little pile LOL. They musta been there for 2 weeks maybe? I only fished that exact spot once before but upon returning to see them still there I decided to hoof it back to the car and grab a bag. Fish weren't jumping anyways.
Today there were more jumpers and less current but at least a few of them were ugly pinks. Fished maybe 15 minutes, not really worth a report considering all I got was a follow by a pink hen that was marginal (it chased the jig all the way up and even stuck around for a few jigs while I jigged up and down off the rod tip so got a real good look at it). Geez, shoulda gone to the Tilton floss fest for some decent coho. I know in a couple months when the freezer pinks and little bit of coho are gone thru, I will be complaining to the Mrs. Her solution will be work more OT and go to the store (BOOOOO HISSS). Ah well. Good luck out there on one of your semi-patented mini fishing vacations ;-)