10/5/2011 11:56:00 AMExcerpt from page #19 of the regulations.
Snagging Attempting to take fish with a hook
and line in such a way that the fish does not
voluntarily take the hook(s) in its mouth. In
freshwater, it is illegal to possess any fish
hooked anywhere other than inside the mouth or
on the head.

The Quadfather
10/5/2011 12:30:00 PM
10/5/2011 2:04:00 PM
10/5/2011 2:15:00 PMSAMISH RIVER (Skagit/Whatcom Co.)
from mouth (Samish Island/ Bayview-
Edison Rd. Bridge) to I-5 Bridge
ALL SPECIES - Aug. 1-Nov. 30: night closure, anti-snagging rule, stationary gear restriction, and single-point
hooks required.
TROUT First Sat. in June-Nov. 30 Min. size 14". Daily limit 2.
Other Game Fish First Sat. in June-Nov. 30 Statewide min. size/daily limit.
SALMON Aug. 1-Nov. 30 Min. size 12". Daily limit 2. Release wild COHO. Only fish hooked
inside the mouth may be retained. Anglers must retain first 2 SALMON
if lawful to do so, and stop fishing.
All Game Fish Dec. 1-Mar. 31 Catch-and-release except up to 2 hatchery

Bass Woody
10/5/2011 2:39:00 PM
Bass Woody
10/5/2011 2:43:00 PMedit..."your an idiot" to #6

10/5/2011 7:22:00 PM
10/5/2011 7:47:00 PMHere's the text from WDFW:
Stillaguamish River, Cook (Koch) Slough to close to fishing
Action: Close Cook (Koch) Slough (a channel of the Stillaguamish River), the North Meander, and the Stillaguamish River from where Cook Slough rejoins the Stillaguamish to 1,000 feet downstream to fishing.
Effective dates: July 18 through Oct. 15, 2011.
Species affected: All fish.
Closure location details:
All of Cook (Koch) Slough ( the South channel of the Stillaguamish River/including all waters of the barrier/diversion dam channel). The closure begins approximately 1/2 mile West of Interstate 5), 350 feet upstream of the barrier/diversion dam and continues approximately 3.5 river miles to the downstream confluence with the Stillaguamish River. The North Meander, a side channel that connects the mainstem Stillaguamish (at Hevly Road) with Cook Slough. The Stillaguamish River, from the downstream confluence with Cook Slough (below the westernmost Silvana RR bridge) to 1000 feet downstream.

10/5/2011 9:38:00 PM