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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

I had an hour and a half of my lunch time to fish and I went to the spot where i've been slaying them for the past few weeks. Sure enough there are lot's of guys there and that spot doesn't seem to be secret no more. Anyway the guys there weren't fishing the spot correctly because as soon as I claimed a spot and started fishing I hook into a monster that starts peeling my line like crazy goes into a bush and snaps my line. My heart is pumping at that time arms shaking from the adrenaline. Few more casts later and thump thump set the hook and I feel a solid headshake then an explosion on the surface of the water. A bright 8 pound silver bright chrome splashes the surface. It then starts to peel out line and jumps a few more times. I got the fish landed shortly after and got the catch card marked. Minutes later after landing that one I get my second fish on and it does a similar dance to the first one. Almost the exact size and brightness. Two chrome hens I pull out in less than 20 minutes i'm out with my limit. Back to work with memories of catching chrome silvers minutes away from work. Man are we blessed with awesome fishing. I would drive hours just to get this kind of action. I only have to drive less than 20 minutes to the hole which is phenomenal.

The water was higher today and many fish are moving up river. The upper stilly should be good this week.


10/10/2011 9:05:00 PM
awesome fish man
10/11/2011 6:54:00 AM
Livin' the life! Thanks for the report!
10/11/2011 6:56:00 AM
Only a 4 star day?LOL
10/11/2011 12:56:00 PM
Nice!! I was doing that with pinks a month ago. 20 min limits, off to work... I have yet to LAND a coho :'(
10/11/2011 2:40:00 PM
Man, that spot was secret for a while, I've kepy it on the DL but yea, somebody spilled the beans :( . Or word got out that the coho were in and the guys that were in the know decided to come out and play. There are plenty of fish to go around though! My lips are sealed though!
10/11/2011 4:04:00 PM
Yeah people are clueing in with the limits that have been coming out from there. With the lack of rain they have been stacking there. This rain that we just got put the water above 2000 cfs from 700 cfs. We know where the fish are going.
We should call that the meat hole! Or the gear hole because that hole has swallowed hundreds of corkies and yarn. Mine most of them.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709