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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Coho Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Hit the river at daylight, was a little slow at first, real nice guy from the snohomish sportsmens club james stewart turned me on to some lures he was using. unreal the first cast with the lure and wham a 13lb + hen nice and bright, next one a hen i let go was dark belleyed and gray gilled. then the 3rd fish was another nice bright hen. James also caught a nice couple fish and one was a 15 lb + buck. of course lots of humpys and some were even clean and bright another fellow kept a couple as his mom likes them. al in all was a very nice sunny day on the river and as always i meet really nice people. Coming from san diego moving to wa. i feel likee i am in wonder land as the fishing is good but most of all the people are so nice and helpfull if you need. I love it here in lake stevens!!


10/18/2011 6:49:00 PM
you sure that one on top is not a chum?
10/18/2011 6:53:00 PM
that may be a chum really hard to tell, where you fishing by location? lewis street?
10/18/2011 7:06:00 PM
yes at lewis street. not a chum, had all the coho markings and the other guys also identified it as a coho as i was wondering myself at first.
10/18/2011 7:13:00 PM
4 sure top is a chum ! nice looking fish thanks for the report!
10/18/2011 7:24:00 PM
when you see it up close its a coho, some spots on the tail, the skin, 5 other people also told me coho, i hope they where right. i pride myself on following the regs. Thanks
10/18/2011 7:25:00 PM
what lures? where ya using? just wondering... I fished the Snohomish today and it was dead, tried everything..
10/18/2011 8:08:00 PM
That top fish REALLY looks like a chum to me, the tail, eyes, and signature watermelon coloration are all there. If so, it is illegal to retain chum from that system and you are extremely lucky to have not been caught poaching.
10/18/2011 8:22:00 PM
looks chummy to me, big pupils, narrow tail, white on tip of anal fins
10/18/2011 8:44:00 PM
definantly chummin on the top, especially if the first fish you caught was the bottom fish. Also, if you are trying to tell me that someone kept a pink then either that is disgusting and its a zombie fish or it was no pink at all...more chum
10/18/2011 11:38:00 PM
Damn chum are in all ready !!!!!
10/19/2011 8:26:00 AM
i feel bad if this was a chum as i am new to this, i follow the rules and depended on the guys i fished with there as to this was a silver. if this is the case i let the one go that looked like the one in question , i will have to be more carefull and keep the book with me till i can learn all the fish. the guy did keep the pinks as i know what thay look like spoted tail and so on. why i don,t know i kept some from the snohomish when the run started in aug that were nice bright hens. as of now even that some of thse pinks look ok i am told they are bad. so yes the guy did catckh and keep some hen pinks. over the last 2 days there were a few guys that caught what i thoght was a silver and they looked like what you are saying is a chum. if i were a poucher i would not post [pics, just an honest mistake that won,t happen again. thanks for the education. as far as rigs most all fish were corky and yarn or jigs, lot of fish being sngged , i released about 15 snagged most all pinks and a couple of chum??? silvers??
10/19/2011 8:33:00 AM
i feel bad if this was a chum as i am new to this, i follow the rules and depended on the guys i fished with there as to this was a silver. if this is the case i let the one go that looked like the one in question , i will have to be more carefull and keep the book with me till i can learn all the fish. the guy did keep the pinks as i know what thay look like spoted tail and so on. why i don,t know i kept some from the snohomish when the run started in aug that were nice bright hens. as of now even that some of thse pinks look ok i am told they are bad. so yes the guy did catckh and keep some hen pinks. over the last 2 days there were a few guys that caught what i thoght was a silver and they looked like what you are saying is a chum. if i were a poucher i would not post [pics, just an honest mistake that won,t happen again. thanks for the education. as far as rigs most all fish were corky and yarn or jigs, lot of fish being sngged , i released about 15 snagged most all pinks and a couple of chum??? silvers??
10/19/2011 8:41:00 AM
i have been looking at te pics on wdfw and the small one is a chum every one is right and i feel like crap. the big one is a silver
Gringo Pescador
10/19/2011 10:20:00 AM
fishbiker - when I was learning how to identify the different species, I printed the fish-id pages for salmon off of the WDFW regs on a color printer (in fact printed several copies, they kept getting wet) then carried them with me while fishing until I could tell the difference without em. It may be cumbersome, but it worked for me. In fact, you could print it once and get it laminated for about a buck at the FedEx stores. In the past I have seen laminated flash cards on a key ring, but have no idea who provided them or if they still do.
10/19/2011 10:21:00 AM
thanks i am going to print them and keep with me.
10/19/2011 1:07:00 PM
looks kinda like a spent pink hen to me.. spots on tail? humpie.. coho don't have spots on the tail.. i don't think chum have spots on their tails either.. i'm not expert though.. just my guess
10/19/2011 6:42:00 PM
fishbiker, I have to agree, a poacher does not post pictures! With your great attitude & all the great people you are meeting on the river, you'll get it right! Thanks for the report.
10/20/2011 9:06:00 PM
Yea 99% of chum in rivers have those red/purple marking on the side, like crooked striped. Thats the easiest way to tell no other salmon have it.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709