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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA



Chum Salmon

What a day today. Went out in search of some chum on the high,dirty, and fast moving green. Didnt have very high hopes but managed to find some fish. Got to the spot i had in mind and immediately got into fish. Caugt,photoed,and released my first fish in minutes. Then i had a little close call.....i stepped off of an undercut bank that was covered in grass and ended up chest deep in water. Freaked me out but luckily my buddy was there to give me an arm and pulled me out. In the process i managed to soak my phone and camera completely. Long story short, i only have the one picture of the first fish but we ended up catching and releasing a couple dozen easily. jigs under a float, corky/yarn, twitchin jigs, and spoons all worked. Some were bigger than the pictured fish, some were smaller, some bright, some not so bright. Good day in the end and im feeling lucky...i could have been the next news story today if i didnt get out of that water.


11/25/2011 8:05:00 PM
nice one dude! sorry to hear about your phone and camera but glad you're safe! i really need to get myself hooked up with my first chum ever!
gabe f
11/25/2011 11:25:00 PM
Man, those close calls are always scary, right on you had your buddy there! I was there last week before the storm and running about 3 foot deep below the bobber with good success. Did you run your gear deeper in the higher water?
11/26/2011 7:18:00 AM
are the chum your catching good for eating or smoking??
11/26/2011 3:16:00 PM
Great report. Glad you're OK. Had a close call myself this summer fly fishing in the Alpine Lake region. Tripped and went head over heels at the edge of a drop off. Luckily I had put on a chest strap to keep my chest waders from filling up in just such and event. An old timer had told me about using a chest strap perhaps a month earlier. I use a 2" wide nylon belt. I'm sure it saved my life that day.
11/26/2011 11:07:00 PM
@gabe f, it didnt seem to matter the precise depth of your jig. I used mine about three feet under and my buddy used his closer to four or four and a half. Judging by the chest deep water situation right near the bank, we were fishing in about five to six feet of water. @fishbiker, i dont keep chum and ive never tried them either so i cant help with that one, sorry.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709