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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn

My son and I went to fish the cowlitz today got up @4:00 o'clock left the house thinking it was going to be a nice drive only to find out by the time we got to olympia,my truck was sliping and sliding a little bit so there goes the speed limit fifty miles an hour all the way to blue creek hatchery,two hour later we arrive walked down to the mouth of the creek already pack full of fishing people told my son to stay while i look for a spot,no room up river for me to fish so head back down to where my son is, fished below him first cast fish on, half an hour later got another one then shortly after my son hooked one and landed it, at that time it was starting to feel like combat fishing so we pcked up and back to the truck and head home with three winter steely not bad for our second trip to the cowlitz this year.


12/3/2011 6:03:00 PM
Not bad at all. Thank you for the report.
12/4/2011 7:17:00 PM
Went to blue creek once. Don't know any spots. Can you give me a tip on where to fish. Thanks
12/5/2011 4:41:00 PM
Toni, thanks.
@Salmonchaser: If you like to fish in slower water, fish in the flats just below the 100' marker, using bobber and jigs. If you prefer faster moving water, fish the "summer hole" it is around the bend from the flats, you will have to use 1 oz weight and 6-8' leader and throw it towards the other bank. If it's too fast for you, keep walking down to the mouth of Blue Creek: use the same set-up as you would in the "summer hole". If that does not work for you, walk across the creek and follow the trail all the way down until the river Y's off. Fish under the over-hanging tree. again, keep the same set-up. If you don't get any fish, just find someone to help you out. a lot of them will be willing to give you some additional advice. Good luck and be careful out there.
12/5/2011 9:49:00 PM
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709