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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Tilton River Report
Lewis County, WA



Coho Salmon
All Day

Not red hot by any means but we caught a fair number of fish throughout the day. Only brought home one hatchery hen, all other fish released(too colored for my liking or natives). Definitely a ton of fun though. Some of those fish have broad shoulders and a wicked attitude. lol (gonna try to post a panorama pic with my report...hopefully it turns out.)


12/4/2011 7:57:00 AM
Beautiful "panorama" picture....
12/5/2011 10:45:00 AM
nice report js.was thinking bout giving it a shot myself now that the river is droping back into shape again.was pretty high and fast last time i was there.
12/5/2011 1:59:00 PM
nice fish just wondering are they still dumping fish at tilton
12/5/2011 3:42:00 PM
The river is flowing about half of what it was last time i was there as well. Not sure on the fish dumping situation.
12/5/2011 4:43:00 PM
thanks for the reply i was thinking of going..btw i was wondering how many fish you hooked and can you fish at night
12/6/2011 8:44:00 AM
Thanks for the report JS. I just got back from MI and was just about to take a drive down to check it out myself. Hopefully I'll see you on the river one of these days (maybe get together for steelhead).
Slayer: Starting on Nov 1 you could fish the tilton at night
12/6/2011 3:01:00 PM
thank you for the report
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709