2/23/2012 4:34:00 PM
2/24/2012 12:28:00 AM@Cheng87: Thanks, Honestly bro steelhead fishing is tough. Always trying to find the right patterns, bait, fishing whole ect. You really have to be a patient fishermen and go with someone that has experience with steely. Hard work pays off tho. Its the best feeling fighting and landing a true wild or hatchery steelhead. They are one of the toughest fighting fish. Especially when your fly fishing and the fish decides to take off down river and your walking the dog for atleast 300 yds. Im planing to go back in mid March and your always more then welcome to come. Just let me know;)

2/26/2012 1:25:00 AM@Norrows11: Honestly I think so. This is the early B run. I fished this river in the past and it really depends on the river. This year the river was pretty low so the fish are having a tough time swimming up. I only spotted schools of 4-6 fishes the most when I was fishing. Usually if the water is higher I can see at least schools of 10 or more come up depending on the clearness of it too.. The weather plays a big part in the movement of the fishes also. Its been super cold (like 25° when I was fishing) over there so that slows the steelies down too. Mid March is ideally Prime Time for fishing. Warmer weather and high water is the prefect run for steelhead fishing on Clearwater but usually @the that time there's more fishermens then fishermen;)