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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn

Sitting around in the morning watching TV and the Cowlitz River Live cam with nothing else to do we decided to pack up real quick and head down for some time in the boat. (They were killing em on the camera first thing in the morning)

We ended up getting there around 11am put the boat in and started drifting. Three of us all tried different things. Corky and Eggs, Yarnie, and yarn and a trout egg. Within a few passes, dad hooks up on his eggs. Gets it to the boat, see that it's dark, and when it makes one more run it comes unpinned. Good start, maybe were on the fish! ... wrong. Fished the rest of the day with nothing. Drifing in front of blue creek, then running down around the corner and trying down there. We came back up for a quick break, and started drifing in front of BC again. Watched a drift boat come down and anchor right above the ramp and they hit a fish! Next run up, about 20 ft above the drift boat, finally! FISH ON! Quick fight and got a nice bright hen in the net. Quick pic and she went in the fish box. Finally got some eggs to cure!

When we pulled into the ramp and got the boat on the trailer, a Gamey was waiting for us. Check the fish, my punch card, boaters card, and did a vessel inspection. Everything checked out good and we were on our way home.

All in all, it was a lovely fun day on the water, got into a couple fish, and got to bring one home. I'll probably be down there again next weekend too.


3/6/2012 6:09:00 PM
Right On! Gotta love those live cams! "They were killing em on the camera first thing in the morning."
Gringo Pescador
3/6/2012 7:42:00 PM
Hey Blurock, Hitting the Cow next Monday, if you are there and see a black & yellow cataraft floatin along, come say hi!
The Fisherman
3/6/2012 7:58:00 PM
Is it sill open, was that a winter run or a very early summer run fish?
3/6/2012 10:16:00 PM
3/7/2012 12:38:00 AM
Mark-- Thanks! We watched the guides on the cam hit 5 fish in a row, looked at each other, decided it would only take 10 minutes to load up the boat, and we were on the road! Yes I do love the live cams!

Gringo--!! Sweet! I might possibly be down there. Definitely on Sunday, maybe if I find some people that wanna go down Monday too. Either way good luck!

Fisherman-- Of course it's open, or I wouldn't be fishing it ;) haha and I'm sure the Gamey that checked me wouldn't have been so nice.

Toni-- Thanks!
3/7/2012 11:49:00 AM
the fisherman-its most likely a winter b-run steelhead
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709