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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish River Report
King County, WA



Fly Fishing
Cutthroat Trout
Floating Fly Line

Was having that itch that we all get in between waiting from the season's close to June 1st. Decided to go to the closest river that was open Saturday morning. LOTS of risers! Tried a dry fly (Elk hair caddis) on top at first, but none of the risers took. Never was able to hook anything on my fly rod until today. Used a prince nymph which hooked the most beautiful cutthroat I have seen personally. Released first fish safely, then very next cast another one. It was a relief to finally hook my first fish on the fly rod after months of practicing. Any tips on how to get these risers to take a dry fly?...


The Fisherman
5/14/2012 3:50:00 PM
For risers try nymphing. In lakes, when I see a fish rise, I cast to it with a bead head and strip in at a steady pace. Do fast and short (about 1/2 foot) strips. I like to use a peasant tail in size 14. Since you are fishing in a river try jerking your rod tip instead of stripping the line in (nymphing without an indicator). Try it out and tell me how well it works in rivers. Also try nymphing with an indicator.
5/14/2012 3:53:00 PM
Thank you, any insight right now would help. Will try it out today and let you know how it works out.
5/14/2012 10:15:00 PM
Beautiful fish! Thanks for the pic.
5/14/2012 10:31:00 PM
@The Fisherman - Went out again this evening again, managed to hook one tiny cut on a pheasant tail with gold bead. Seems like the bite comes more off of stripping (without an indicator) instead of tipping the rod up. Slow stripping to be precise. I did also try an indicator but no bites, thinking that the indicator keeps the fly up more but I could be wrong. Would a cut take a woolybugger (olive green)?
5/15/2012 6:20:00 AM
No Cadis hatching right now. Take a look at the Bugs and try to match it. Maybe a size 18 Mayfly pattern.
5/15/2012 6:29:00 AM
@smashmouth - Thank you, definitely will try the Mayfly pattern. It's difficult to identify what bugs are what, and what to use. I am seeing a lot of Mayfly hatches though.
5/15/2012 8:50:00 AM
Gorgeous fish
5/15/2012 12:45:00 PM
Stay with the nymph's until later in the summer, they're more productive. But, nothing matches the dry fly take! Where on the Sammamish were you? I've never fished it, never even thought to fish it, but it looks beautiful. Nice cutt I agree!
5/15/2012 1:07:00 PM
I do agree that the nymphs will be more productive for now. These fish are explosive, I can only imagine how the take on the dry fly is like, I cannot wait! I never thought to fish it either, but it gives us something to do while we wait anxiously for the season opener, lol. I usually park at Wilmot Gateway Park in Woodinville next to the Jack In The Box. Follow onto the Sammimish River Trail going right. Following the trail until you hit the little bridge that goes over the Little Bear Creek (tributary of Sammamish River). Go a little down river from where Little Bear Creek dumps into Sammamish River. If you seen an asian guy with a fly vest and shorts that's me and be sure to say hi! Ha!
5/15/2012 8:57:00 PM
Hey man i was that guy that u gave the fly to today! Thanks so much! I caught 2 when you were there and 1 more after u left!
5/15/2012 9:08:00 PM
Hey! Haha I was wondering when I would meet someone from this site. I'm glad that you got experience your first fish on your fly rod, congratulations! I'll be out there again tomorrow after 4PM. My name is Thomas by the way.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709