catch me
7/21/2012 6:48:00 AM
7/21/2012 9:24:00 AM
7/21/2012 9:52:00 AMIn my young,stupid days I used to sneak out on Dr.McKinnes dock on lk sutherland.When I did I brought a garbage bag and a trunk of firewood.Before i fished I'd clean up the area and pile the wood beside his cabin.By the end of summer he had over 2 cord of wood.
One day he came down and caught me,Told me I was welcome to use his dock and appreciated me cleaning up,but please don't leave anymore wood,I have electric heat.
Since coming of age,I always ask permission and rarely am turned down,always clean up and appreciate the privilege of enjoying a day on the river.

7/21/2012 10:25:00 AM
Bank drifter
7/21/2012 10:55:00 AM
Jay Zee
7/21/2012 9:42:00 PM
7/22/2012 1:31:00 PM
Jay Zee
7/22/2012 2:36:00 PM
7/22/2012 4:09:00 PM
7/23/2012 7:57:00 AM