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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Icicle Creek Report
Chelan County, WA



Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Floating Fly Line

I tried doing some dry fly fishing from Lower Johnny Creek Campground on Icicle Creek. I was using a damselfly pattern and dead-drifting it; aiming for the slack water behind rocks and boulders, In fact I didn't have enough back casting room from shore, so I had to fish from boulder to boulder. I ended up catching 6 good looking wild, native rainbow trout within two hours. I'm not sure if there is anything besides rainbows in this creek. Though small (average: 7 inches), these trout were still fun to catch, especially on a dry fly! My friend caught a 9.5 inch fish on a silver size 2 Blue Fox spinner. That was the biggest fish of the day, of course. There are tons of wild rainbows in this creek, and I have to say they are relatively easy to catch on a dry fly (as long as you are a proficient caster). Just remember to aim for areas of the creek that have little or no current(behind rocks/boulders). 80% of all fish that you hook will jump spectacularly for their size! Aside from the occasional 9-10 incher, most fish in this river are small, so don't consider fishing this river if you want to catch dinner, however it is a great fishery for the fly fisher or ultra-light spin fisher. Remember,in order to fish Icicle Creek you will need a Columbia R. Salmon/Steelhead Endorsement and selecitve gear rules (single, barbless hooks/no bait). Both apply to the entire creek. Also all waters downstream of the fish hatchery are closed. Good luck!


8/25/2012 7:29:00 AM
I have fished Icicle a few times. It is pretty easy and fun to catch the little ones. And they seem to be mostly redband trout, not rainbows, That looks to be a redband trout in your picture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redband_trout

Thanks for the detailed report!
The Quadfather
8/25/2012 8:25:00 AM
Nice report, and informative/helpful with the info. on the Columubia river endorsement. I have caught those fish as well.... Redband trout?? I can see from the pic. what Urban is talking about, as well as if you Google a pic.of the redband.
8/25/2012 5:53:00 PM
Yeah I was wondering if they were Columbia basin redbands too because they were very colorful and native wild fish. In case you didn't know, redbands in fact are rainbows, but a isolated strain. Really fun to catch! The 9.5 inch fish that we caught had a huge red band on it's lateral line, so I'm prettty sure they are redbands.
8/26/2012 3:54:00 PM
Just googled "Red Band" Trout. Wow!. Very colorful swipe of red down the side, with round, oversize par marks. Last time I was on the icicle, it was somewhere above the hatchery and at the first campground you come too. I did not fish, but there were king salmon in there. Would have been this time of the year.
8/26/2012 8:32:00 PM
we have thoes all over here in kitsap, actually every creek ive ever fished for trout all have thoes. from kitsap to mason and jefferson county. they are not that rare imo.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709