8/25/2012 7:29:00 AMThanks for the detailed report!

The Quadfather
8/25/2012 8:25:00 AM
8/25/2012 5:53:00 PM
8/26/2012 3:54:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I tried doing some dry fly fishing from Lower Johnny Creek Campground on Icicle Creek. I was using a damselfly pattern and dead-drifting it; aiming for the slack water behind rocks and boulders, In fact I didn't have enough back casting room from shore, so I had to fish from boulder to boulder. I ended up catching 6 good looking wild, native rainbow trout within two hours. I'm not sure if there is anything besides rainbows in this creek. Though small (average: 7 inches), these trout were still fun to catch, especially on a dry fly! My friend caught a 9.5 inch fish on a silver size 2 Blue Fox spinner. That was the biggest fish of the day, of course. There are tons of wild rainbows in this creek, and I have to say they are relatively easy to catch on a dry fly (as long as you are a proficient caster). Just remember to aim for areas of the creek that have little or no current(behind rocks/boulders). 80% of all fish that you hook will jump spectacularly for their size! Aside from the occasional 9-10 incher, most fish in this river are small, so don't consider fishing this river if you want to catch dinner, however it is a great fishery for the fly fisher or ultra-light spin fisher. Remember,in order to fish Icicle Creek you will need a Columbia R. Salmon/Steelhead Endorsement and selecitve gear rules (single, barbless hooks/no bait). Both apply to the entire creek. Also all waters downstream of the fish hatchery are closed. Good luck!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service