9/14/2012 1:32:00 PMwe both got our skunk off!! woot!
9/14/2012 1:55:00 PMchrome_chasin
9/14/2012 3:13:00 PMchrome_chasin
9/14/2012 3:15:00 PMknotabassturd
9/14/2012 3:16:00 PMHOOKEDONFISHING
9/14/2012 4:15:00 PMBentRod
9/14/2012 5:48:00 PMKnot, I'd say the fishing looked to be better yesterday than today, so some are getting by the nets. Even saw a seal at 112th Thursday at high tide.
Chromer, well, it was a jack, but apparently both my pocket scale and estimation skills are way off. It turned out not to be 6lbs. Weighed at home on a different scale (minus the guts) it was 4lbs. So, maybe 4.5 out of the water. Still nice fish, but not nearly as big as previously thought. If I were a true fisherman, I'd not admit that.
Hooked, were you the guy under the bridge catching fish or the one I hooked lines with?
Jens, you're right, it didn't happen. :) Nice to see you're still around bud. Hope you're still knock'n'em dead.
Thanks for all the encouragement gentlemen.