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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Green River Report
King County, WA


Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs
Mostly Sunny

Same as many others fishing the green, skunked is the word. I have been out around the meeker bridge for the last 3 days and have not seen a single fish pulled. Saw tons of fish jumping and surfacing on the opener mon, oct 1, even managed to get quite a few hits, but nothing hooked. Then, tues, oct 2, saw even less action, with less fish jumping/surfacing and only 1-2 good hits. Last night, oct 3, not a single bite and only saw 2 fish jump in the 2 hours I was on the river. I got really frustrated when a family came down to the hole I was fishing, only 5 or so feet of bank access mind you, and starting asking a ton of questions. This didn't bother me too much, I'm glad to talk and BS with people. The thing that really bothered me was that their 3 kids started messing with my tackle box, and then started throwing rocks and sticks in the water. I politely asked them not to touch my box or throw stuff in the water, but the parents seemed more interested in what I was doing, and not their kids. I eventually got short with them and explained that this was not acceptable. The little hellions didn't care so I was forced to leave. Really frustrating. Back to the report though. Not sure what is going on, are the nets in right now? I have tried almost everything in the box, from eggs under a float, DN's, spinners/spoons, jigs, jigs under a float and even plunking with eggs. I did manage to get a few hits, but after I set the hook and reeled in, I managed to pull a 12" bullhead. Not what I was hoping for. The coho so far this year seem super tight lipped. Have seen many other people out fishing on each occassion, but no fish hooked or pulled in. I'm thinking that I will have to start moving to different holes to find out where the fish are going, because they don't seem to be staying in the hole that I have been at. I also need to find a hole that is not as easily accessible by kids it seems. Oh well, I will just have to be patient and keep at it I guess. Good luck to everyone else out there and tight lines!


10/4/2012 11:08:00 AM
The nets are still in down below 112th. Seemed to be fewer nets now than earlier in the week though, but that is not saying much. Spent yesterday mid-day in Tukwilla....only a couple fish surfacing. This morning at 112th.....hardly any fish jumping at all.
10/4/2012 11:19:00 AM
I know, it's very wierd. I would think that as the season goes on, there would be more fish filling in. It seems to me though that the activity is dwindling. Not sure if it's the nets that is causing the decrease in activity or if jumpinjim is just pulling out all the biters, haha. He seems to be one of the only ones having any luck out there lately. I just watched his jig videos and they were pretty informative. I may have to go buy some new jigs now. I'm going to go out again after work today and see if there is any more activity. After only seeing a few fish surfacing yesterday in two hours, I feel that it can only get better, right?
10/4/2012 11:34:00 AM
Yeah, I really thought if I kept hitting the river I'd eventually be in the middle of a run.....well, that hasn't seemed to have happened. Guy I spoke to this morning said that a good rain will surely bring a lot of fish up the system. Can't say I disagree, just seems to be getting late in the season. Guess we'll see.
10/4/2012 11:55:00 AM
Rain my bring fish up the system but there defiantly already is a lot of fish in the river. I honestly think that the time of day makes a difference. From all the reports and intel I have gathered it seems like the majority of catches are earlier in the morning after low tide.
10/4/2012 12:36:00 PM
@gsx, I got a few questions. 1) Does tidal influence matter if I'm fishing up in auburn? I didn't think that the tides affected parts that far up the river. 2) I've also read that many are catching in the morning. With there being a night closure, when is the earliest that you are allowed to start fishing. I've read reports that some are fishing before they can really see, is this too early? I was under the impression that you couldn't fish before "sunrise" which happens to be around 6:30-6:45 in the morn. I have to work every day at 7 and would love to go out before, but don't want to get stopped for not following the night closure.
10/4/2012 1:53:00 PM
You can fish one hour before sunrise, to one hour after sunset. There are definitely fish still in there, I found a lot of them over in the lower Kent/Upper Tukwilla area where I fished for pinks last year.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709