10/18/2012 3:22:00 PMBy the way that is pretty common about the water fowl. Last year I had a coho on the line that I was bringing in an literally as it was 20 feet away a low flying duck flew right into my line then went smashing into the river flopped around getting it's wing wrapped up, the jig came free from the fish only to stick into the duck as it flew away. was busy cutting the line while it was taking off and luckily didn't damage and gear. Ever since then I have been pretty rude to ducks around, I make sure they are a good distance away.

10/18/2012 3:28:00 PMGood luck tomorrow morning.

10/18/2012 4:07:00 PMI had know idea it was that common. Here I was thinking it was some kind of once in a million freak accident. I guess I'll have to keep my eye out for those guys from now on, haha.