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Green River Report
King County, WA



Chum Salmon

Headed up to Auburn for some chum fishing. They are in there alright. I was there from about 7-9 this morning and went about 6/10.

Nothing fancy here with these dogs, just a float, jigs, and shrimp will get you in the action. All fish were released.

Quick question - how do you identify the gender for chum? Everything I caught today looked like a buck to me, but I saw one guy toss one back and comment to himself "that was a hen." It still looked like a buck to me...


11/6/2012 12:10:00 PM
Kinda like coho if im not mistaken they have a little bit of a hook nose and the hens dont so just like with most river fish actually if the fish has a pointier nose then its a buck if it has a more round nose it is a hen, thats what i go off idk what others think?! Thanks for the report
11/6/2012 12:18:00 PM
Awesome BKA. Thanks for the report. DK the gender difference on Chum. No experience.
11/6/2012 12:28:00 PM
Nice work BK!
Take a look at the belly, and the back line too. Bucks have a thicker and more pronounced back while hens usually have a thicker belly with prounced areas from the eggs.

Just a heads up too, if you are going to release them they can't be removed from the water. Just sayin, I would personally rather see people bonk chums and feed them to cats and dogs since they are not hurting in numbers and are affecting other runs.
11/6/2012 12:42:00 PM
Along with the nose, belly and back, as mentioned, the bucks seem to tend to color up a fair amount more and the colors seem more pronounced IMO.
11/6/2012 4:20:00 PM
@JJ: Thanks for the heads up, duly noted. As for everyone else, thanks for the feedback on the gender identification.
11/6/2012 8:48:00 PM
JumpinJim, do you understand much about Chum...perhaps your hatred towards Chum--? They are the fastest fish for cost-recovery for PWSAC(Prince Williams Sound Aquaculture Corp) Hatcheries for both meat &roe(shipping roe to Japan/Korea AND Seattle up to 30+ fights a day at per-hatchery) not including to all the local canneries. PWSAC, founded BY the Fishermen FOR the Fishermen to maintain quality AND consistent returns of profitable fish. Then there is DIPAC which consistently yields top 5 largest Hatchery runs for Coho in North Am BUT still is based on Douglas Island PINK & CHUM Inc.I suppose people who rag on Chum do not comprehend all the benefits of CHUM as a species AND a source of food. When prepared by someone doing for a couple decades, they taste as good as the rest and can confuse even the most seasoned Marine Biologist when colored right.
11/7/2012 7:30:00 AM
@Jethro, Nah I don't have a hatred for chum, I love chum. Not to eat of course just to catch. I am not sure what your point is, because I agree with ya about them being prolific spawners and hearty fish. But I don't care if your Tom Douglas, Chum Meat is the lowest form of Salmon there is...
11/8/2012 7:08:00 AM
i think humpy are the worst. I catch Ocean Chum in Alaska and they're okay. Humpies have no oil. That being said, i would never keep one of those River Dogs down here. They looked cooked already when you catch em. No fat pale meat and good for nothing. Dont tell me that lousy fish is great in the smoker, it just makes lousy smoked fish. Big fat oily kings or cromer Sockeye make great smoked fish.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709