3/21/2013 10:23:00 AM
3/21/2013 10:53:00 AM
3/21/2013 11:24:00 AM
3/21/2013 11:35:00 AM
3/21/2013 1:21:00 PM
3/21/2013 4:43:00 PMCannot believe this has not been shut down yet. You guys all know the rules, no bitching about something legal.
That will be wonderful table fare, nice bright buck.MMMM!
And to those, there will be more fish like this. They are not endangered. There are fish in those rivers. I know people that bonk every fish that they catch. Trust me, they kill a lot of natives every season. Perhaps you all should target those guys instead of a guy doing it, not only the hard way, but legally.
I do not bonk, but that does not mean he does not have the right. Too bad a guy can catch what is probably his biggest steehead and get reamed for it.
Nice thick belly meat on those big bucks, throw 1/2 that sucker in the smoker and don't ever look back!

3/21/2013 4:46:00 PM
3/21/2013 5:10:00 PM