7/21/2013 9:26:00 AMSeriously, WW3 river crowding is due to easy bank access, which is guaranteed to draw many people without boats, but blocking a landing is just wrong. Kudos for not getting into a fight.

7/21/2013 9:56:00 AMBut mostly I was just disorganized and didn't get out there until too late. Next time I may launch at Casey Pond, and just head down to the the Walla Walla from the north. It has a better ramp, and is more lightly used.

7/21/2013 10:05:00 PMPlease be extremely careful if you decide to boat from Casey's to Walla Walla River. I have an 18.5ft Ranger that I've taken rollers over the bow in that section. Even if the wind is next to nothing the rollers coming from the gorge can be 3+ feet, no exageration. Add wind, and you will sink a small boat. I'd rather tell someone to get the heck off the boat ramp at Madame Dorian. I've done that many times. They know the are fishing where they shouldn't be. They will move if asked firmly, but respecftully. In fact there are big Channel Cats on the East bank of Casey's near where it meets the main Columbia Proper. I've seen them up shallow while bass fishing. No need to go to walla walla.

7/22/2013 8:02:00 AM
7/22/2013 10:23:00 PMMy inclination is to to fish channel cats in the extreme lower reaches of the Walla Walla river (where it enters the Columbia. but very close to or in the Walla Walla river, or in the immediate three inlets). The whole area seems extremely treacherous, which is one of the reasons I didn't push the issue in terms of launching my 14" tri-hull into the WallaX2. One of the others was a risk of a break-in, given the sheer number of people there...
>> They will move if asked firmly, but respecftully.
They were not inclined to do so. Given the sheer pressure of the area (multiple people per gap in the riverside vegetation, including three on the launch proper), I wasn't inclined to push the issue. This might have been different given if I'd arrived an hour earlier, and given that there is a boat launch at Casey Pond (a mild trip down to the Walla x 2 mouth...).
>> In fact there are big Channel Cats on the East bank of Casey's near where it meets the main Columbia Proper. I've seen them up shallow while bass fishing. No need to go to walla walla.
Even better. Casey's seems like it ought to be a channel cat paradise, given the ultra-rich shallow waters (i.e. I'm getting my a$$ eaten up by a billion bugs). I can't possibly imagine how channel cats wouldn't spend the hot days in those deeper Columbia depths, then move in to the shallows at night to feed on small fish and bugs. If nothing else, I'm inclined to try that and avoid the inconsiderate zoo at the Walla x 2 boat launch..........................