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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



71° - 75°
Rainbow Trout

Today I fished the upper Skykomish system in hopes of catching a couple decent sized trout and maybe a dolly. I used a size 2 Mepps spinner, fishing every piece of good holding water I came across. After catching a few small trout (no bigger than seven inches) I began to think that this would be just another day on the river. I was wrong. While swinging my spinner through a set of slow, churning pockets I felt something truly big hit my lure. At first I thought this fish was a big dolly, however after I played it a little closer to me I saw what it really was. A dark back, silver sides and rose cheeks screamed steelhead! The fish took off, running and jumping many times. On a six foot light trout rod and six pound test line the experience was unreal! I'm not joking when I say the fish literally peeled drag in mid air. I even have Gopro footage to reassure myself. After an almost three minute fight I finally landed the fish, which of course only fit halfway in my trout net. It was a buck, measuring twenty eight inches (fork length) and probably weighed eight or nine pounds. The weirdest part is that it was a stray hatchery fish. All I'll say is that I was fishing far upstream of Reiter. The fish was legal to retain, and most respectable anglers would agree that it's best not to let non-native hatchery strain steelhead breed with native fish. I walked away from the river with my first Skykomish steelhead, and the second steelhead of my life! To top it all off, the fish was taken on a spinner!


7/28/2013 6:38:00 AM
Very well done! Sweet surprises await us out there. As to the keeping of the hatchery fish, here on the Eastside, When and if it opens, all hatchery fish must be kept. You did good! Thanks for the report!
7/28/2013 10:10:00 AM
Wow, what a surprise! Very nice fish nice job landing him on the light tackle.
7/28/2013 11:07:00 AM
Wow, that's a hog! 23"+?
7/28/2013 11:12:00 AM
Those fish will run all the way up the north fork and then come back to rieter when theyre ready. I think they even truck the extras from reiter and put them in above sunset fall on the south fork. Nice fish on light tackle had to be a blast.
7/28/2013 11:45:00 AM
The fork length was 28 inches, and the bottom of its tail was slightly worn, indicating that it was probably spawning up there.
7/29/2013 1:04:00 AM
7/30/2013 9:49:00 PM
Are you going to post the video to youtube?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709