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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Chehalis River Report
Grays Harbor County, WA



Coho Salmon

we arrived at Monte to launch early Sunday morn, but lightning and downpour greeted us at ramp. Decided to head home, weather cleared by afternoon, went out for a couple of hours but no hits and no luck. Talked to one other fisherman who stuck an adult silver on herring. Talked to my neighbor late in day, he went to cosmopolos to fish, caught a few fish, they are close to mouth at this point, we'll try again on Thursday. One note, some lowlife cleaned and dumped 10 to 20 tuna on the middle ramp blocking it. I've been told that this occurs at westport too.I don't get this, why hasn't anyone had these "people" arrested? I would have a hard time controlling my absolute anger if I saw someone doing this, another fisherman told me its not fishermen doing this but people buying fish from boats and cleaning them at ramp. This photo shows pile in afternoon after someone moved pile out of way and threw about half in river to try to clean up. Enough to turn your stomach!They must hate fishermen to block a ramp like this in salmon season. Report or confront these jerks. Folks who leave garbage at ramps are the lowest form of scum, Melanie and I are involved with the state picking up trash at our launches on a volunteer basis, really ticks me off. Bob R


9/16/2013 8:53:00 PM
It really is a jerk move to leave tuna garbage on the ramp, but I wouldn't say they're the "lowest form of scum". I believe the lowest form of scum are king snaggers.
Bob R
9/16/2013 11:22:00 PM
I can see that point. Bob R
9/17/2013 9:40:00 AM
Although it sucks to have a pile of rotten carcasses blocking the ramp, I wouldn't call it garbage, they are river nutrients. Salmon fry, smolts, sturgeon, bugs to that in turn feed trout and salmon fry all benefit from the carcasses. Yum! ;)
9/17/2013 12:09:00 PM
If someone wants to leave nutrients like this for the fish leave it high up in the mountains and let it move naturally downstream. Leaving carcasses on the boat ramp is selfish, rude, disgusting, bad behavior, a poor decision and just plain nasty.
9/17/2013 1:54:00 PM
its good to through your remains back in the water, just be civil and respect others always , i will report any litter bug and offence i see, but the state dont care to much about pochers and litter bugs, just honnest fisherman with money thats all there after
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709