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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wallace River Report
Snohomish County, WA


51° - 55°
Float Fishing
Coho Salmon

Holy high river!! Fast, high, and tough. One take down no fish. I have never personally seen the water levels at the Wallace so high, anyhow good luck out there.


10/8/2013 4:26:00 PM
I saw it once, fishing at the hatchery... was in the water with waders, just a foot deep (too strong a current) and had fish swimming behind me, hugging the shore to avoid the current! Close to the hatchery is actually good fishing (the fish uses the high water to move up river), anywhere else is bad. It's combat fishing by those who know how good it can be... depending on where the fish are on the river, 3 to 6 hours after the river went up the coho starts to arrive. Only problem, it's flossing time as they will be really tight lips. They just want to find the fish trap, nothing else matters.
10/8/2013 5:45:00 PM
Yeah it will be another week or two before the Wallace really starts putting out.
10/8/2013 6:23:00 PM
Nice to meet u, yah fishing was tough. i didnt expect the water goes high that fast as it was perfect the day before.men.oh well there is walways a next time.
10/8/2013 6:50:00 PM
dada the wallace has actually been doin pretty good, i dont consider myself the best river fisherman and i had 3 on, on sunday and landed 1. How did the river go up so high? was it just with this mornings/afternoons rain?! Was super low on sunday when i went!
10/8/2013 8:09:00 PM
was it fishable dadamunky?
10/8/2013 9:00:00 PM
Bmastro777: It was fishable, not sure all the holes had people today as the river was kickin. FishingThePacNW: It could of just been the rain, I am not sure how exactly the water flows thru the Wallace but it is quite possible some sort of water was let out, HULI_ISDA said the same thing that water levels and clarity were all good to go just a day or so before.

HULI_ISDA : Any luck after I left?
10/9/2013 12:36:00 PM
I stick till noon and came empty...nothing goin.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709