10/10/2013 11:33:00 PM
10/11/2013 7:56:00 AM
10/12/2013 10:16:00 AMSecond, tie a slip bobber (1/2 Beau Mac), with a bobber stop (above the bobber).
Third, put a 3 foot leader (10lb or less) on with a size 1/0 hook tied with a Egg loop knot (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUp-fbiLZVs)
Fourth, throw upriver from the suspected holding fish, as not to scare them or spook them.
Fifth, make sure you are closest to the bottom without hitting it.
Sixth, catch fish, Try the deep parts, then the seems, then either wait until the next school moves in or try another hole.
Also, buy eggs if you are not sure about your cure.
Also, early mornings are more productive, but that doesn't mean you cant catch them anytime.
Also, don't expect to catch fish when the guys next to you are throwing directly on top of them.