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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

first day back on the water since I returned from sunshine Arizona. Did my usual Friday Fishing in Monroe. Went to my new spot with some nice deep holes. The good news is there are plenty fish to be caught. The bad news is they ain't bitin. Fish jumping everywhere, coho and chum and to top it off there were some bright fish in the mix. After an hour of trying to hook one of those beauties I finally SNAGGED a fire truck which was released immediately. Hey I got some action, I'm cool with that ha, anyways another hour in and I start landing a ton of what I think are cutthroat? Correct me if I'm wrong. I took a quick photo of one to see if anyone knew. It was turning colors to spawn so I couldn't tell. Let me know if you have an idea I would love to be educated. All fish were released due to my lack of knowledge on the species. Tight lines out there. Plenty of silvers left in the system.


11/1/2013 8:32:00 PM
Steelhead - winter run and wild, very interesting
11/1/2013 8:52:00 PM
looks like a coho hen. steelhead dont have forked tails.
11/1/2013 8:52:00 PM
jack coho
11/1/2013 8:56:00 PM
buck coho
11/1/2013 9:12:00 PM
well it looks like I released about 6 or so coho jacks. They were everywhere
11/1/2013 9:17:00 PM
Not a jack either. Probably 4 or 5 pound fish. Not huge but not a jack
11/1/2013 9:21:00 PM
not a buck . adipose fin is too small for a buck
11/1/2013 9:23:00 PM
not a buck . adipose fin is too small for a buck
11/1/2013 9:29:00 PM
Looks like a coho hen. Sorry to tell you this, but you released allot of good Eatin...
11/1/2013 9:30:00 PM
11/1/2013 9:50:00 PM
These fish were definitely not 4-5 lbs at all. More like 2-3 lbs tops. Much smaller than the pinks were.
11/1/2013 10:48:00 PM
Sounds like a pretty good day out there. What changed to where you started landing those guys left and right? How long were those fish that you were catching? They do look like steelies except the tail (they typically have a straight-edge tail rather than the "V"-shape); it almost looks like a cut, except their spots usually extend below the lateral line & they have a red or red-orange slash below the jaw on each side, typically. I'm guessing it's maybe a Coho jack--probably too late for a spawn-phase pink hen. Very intrigued by this one. That was a great idea to snap a photo. Good read!
11/1/2013 10:57:00 PM
C'mon guys..... Its important to know what your catching. Totally a female coho. Shape and size of the jaw is all you need to look at!!! Not even close to a steelhead. Nice fish though....
11/1/2013 11:45:00 PM
What turned the bite was the color of jig i was using. Started with a pink.. no hits and switched to chartreuse and they hammered it.
11/1/2013 11:56:00 PM
It is unquestionably the rare, but distinctive Steelco. A distant cousin of the Humpyco. Both a result of evolutionary changes on the planet. You might dispute this, and who am I to argue? Thanks for capturing and sharing the pic.
11/2/2013 1:00:00 AM
FT, are you being facetious here, or straight up? I have heard of certain trout species hybridizing in areas...even talk of Atlantic Salmon, but who know s if they produced viable offspring, or enough to make a run. Very curious about this matter. Definitely not arguing...it's possible. As an example, back in the day, the Red Wolf was thought to be a distinct species but then with the advent of genomic testing, it was determined it was a Gray Wolf-Coyote hybrid. Dj's post has turned into a good discussion here.
11/2/2013 8:19:00 AM
It really is a good question. I know what coho jacks look like and I don't remember them looking like this. There were several of them in schools. Wouldn't say a ton but when they schooled it was non stop catching them. I do believe it could be a hybrid species.
11/2/2013 8:20:00 AM
I may also add in that the rest that I caught were smaller than this one on average
11/2/2013 11:59:00 AM
11/2/2013 9:50:00 PM
riverhunter said, "looks like a coho hen. steelhead dont have forked tails"... It is a coho hen, but they don't have forked tails either. If you look close, that's a damaged tail.
11/2/2013 11:10:00 PM
HAHA steelco and humpyco. Id actually like to fight a chum/chinook hybrid
Thats definetely a small buck coho btw
11/3/2013 12:38:00 AM
I was just having fun with the Steelco and humpyco, but why not? If these are coho, they sure are small, indicating an early return to the river. I wonder if there are some global changes that are messing up the typical 4 year cycle...
11/3/2013 10:59:00 AM
chum/chinook hybrid would just be insane. The super salmon Chumnook lol
11/4/2013 4:42:00 PM
Seems like some pretty dark spots on the back for a coho, but the jaw gives it away,
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709