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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



51° - 55°
Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait
All Day

i will soon be opening a skunk farm. :-( half a day at thomas eddy, where only a couple fish were caught by all fishers and half a day at douglas bar. i know/saw 10 fish pulled from douglas bar. however all i seem to be able to do is contribute to the fishing lure, line, bobber, swivel, weight, corky and yarn industries with constant contributions. luckily the toss was into shallow water or i would have donated a rod and reel too. its gone from frustrating to demoralizing. to top it off i get multiple people asking me to take their pictures with their fish. FML.


11/1/2013 10:33:00 PM
LOL, I know how it feels. But maybe this rain will bring up the last coho this season. We need some fresh fish and more water.
11/1/2013 11:01:00 PM
I totally know where you're coming from. I haven't even caught a silver this season--had a couple on, but not able to deliver. The last 6 or so times out on the rivers, I've gotten my teeth kicked in---so demoralizing is a great way to put it. Keeping things in perspective is good too. Were the anglers that landed most of the fish on the bank or out in boats? If they were casting from the bank (or wading) what was their technique? What were the fish taking? Were they being caught all day or at certain times?

Anyhow, I hope it gets better for you out there. I might hit it one more time this year, we'll see.
11/1/2013 11:47:00 PM
Fish for trout, pm me if you need tips. I'll put you on trout for sure if you want, that will at least break the skunk.
11/2/2013 12:22:00 AM
Hey Hepker,
If you need another skunk at your farm, I could contribute one also. I have mastered lake fishing, but the river humbles me. There appears to be a tremendous learning curve before reaching the promised land. The guys that really, really know there stuff are catching their limit every time out! Then there are most of the rest of us...It might just be time to charter with Nate Treat and gather the necessary tools to start catching fish too. He offers a discount with a group. I am going to call him. Anyone else interested?
There should be some rain this week, and more silvers should be advancing.
Seattle Pat
11/2/2013 6:34:00 AM
LOL - funny post, but I can relate. Everybody has had their good and bad spells but stick with it - that's why they call it fishing and not catching! I just went for 2 1/2 weeks w/out a single fish (worth keeping) - my buddy was telling his wife that "Pat's bound and determined to find where the fish are...he's hitting every hole in the area" Finally, I hit pay-dirt and had a ball the past couple days - you just need to keep moving around until you find them. I'm heading north w/a buddy on Monday - should be awesome. Check out the Washington Fishing Meetup - I post when/where I'm going there so if others want to meetup there, we can. meetup.com/FishWashington
11/2/2013 9:35:00 AM
Just know that you are NOT alone! LOL.
11/2/2013 10:34:00 AM
TOO FUNNY. Finally an HONEST fish tail. lol Gads the memories of .day's.......like yours here. and I am sure many more to come. Thanks for the chuckle..
11/2/2013 11:16:00 AM
yeah yeah yeah. laugh at my expense. booooo. lol pat thats what i have been telling people, its called fishing, not catching!! the problem hasnt been finding fish. and i dont mind being outfished by someone i detect is a more skilled angler or knowing nobody is catching anything although fish are present. the issue is being outfished by others when i'm at the fish they are at and throwing the same bait/gear. with the hours i have put in, and i'd say its been almost a couple hundred in the last 2 months, i would expect to catch more than 2 coho and 10 pinks. if this is an indication of my lack of fishing ability then i will call it a nice expensive experiment and find a new hobby or greatly lower my expectations of catching fish.
11/2/2013 11:29:00 AM
Hey Hepker,
What specific techniques and lures were you using? I didn't catch a Coho on the Snohomish for literally five years. It was not until this year that I started nailing them consistently. It just takes a while to learn the subtle nuances that put fish on the bank.

11/2/2013 11:53:00 AM
i have drifted eggs, bobbered eggs, dick nites, spinners, plugs, jigs, corky/yarn combos. have adjusted my leader to be typically at least 4-5 feet. i ask around what size weights are being used. i have used krill and shrimp scent. i will say my eggs might not be the greatest. first year ever curing roe so i could have botched them from day 1. i just think fish are like women at the bar, they smell the desperation. haha
11/3/2013 8:51:00 AM
Spawning salmon don't eat. The only time they actually bite is when you are fishing on their beds.
Regardless of whether they admit it or not, everyone else is flossing or snagging.
11/3/2013 2:24:00 PM
i sent you my number in your inbox.. text me when you can.
11/3/2013 8:22:00 PM
I know the feeling. The only Silver I have caught this season (or even had on the line as far as I could tell) was a jack down on the Puyallup near the end of September. I have been fishing the Stillaguamish pretty heavily throughout October and have certainly seen fish brought in, but for the hours I have spent, plus seeing how many other guys are routinely getting skunked, I think the bite has really been off due to the lack of rain. I am not expert by any means, and I know there are guys who are really good and can almost always get fish, but when the bite goes off it seems that the only people bringing them in are those who have tons of experience or are flossing/snagging. That being said, my October fishing landed has consisted of probably a dozen or more pinks (fun to catch, but not worth keeping at all) and one nice little Dolly Varden (that was pretty cool). Keep at it....
11/3/2013 11:15:00 PM
The low water this season has been challenging. I have had some luck fishing deeper holes with lots of cover in them. I'll just twitch a jig or float a dicknite by a log jam, and that seems to get a fish every now and again.

11/4/2013 7:56:00 AM
Hey atleast it is good to know i am not the only one on a dry spell, Its been two weeks since I have had one even on my line!. Granted i cant say the earlier season was too bad limited one day, but it was one of those days that the fish were there and everyone was catching so i am telling you it was not my skill. so 4 total for the season, but with this rain hopefully it will spark something.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709