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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Coho Salmon

Day 2 of fishing, same spot, same setup. The wind was ripping out there and I almost turned around to go home but the splashes in the river pursaded me to stay. I thought it was going to be extremely tough to catch fish but this weather must have made the fish get aggressive. I fished for 2 hours and landed I would say 8-9 fish.They were hammering my jig with a purpose.The weird thing was they were all jacks again. In my previous post I posted a pic of a fish and I think we all came to a conclusion that they are jacks. Anyways, I must be right in their spawning grounds because that is all I caught. Didn't keep any, all fished were released but of course I snapped a pic for you guys. I'm glad I made it out despite the weather!


Seattle Pat
11/2/2013 6:51:00 PM
Jesus man - that is one seriously black coho. I hope you didn't keep it!
11/2/2013 7:33:00 PM
Dude he said he released all fish.. all thats good for now is fertilizer.
Seattle Pat
11/2/2013 8:05:00 PM
Ahh - skimmed the article. Nice day anyhow! Hoping tomorrow will bring some chrome in from the salt
11/2/2013 8:12:00 PM
Ya, all the fish caught today were this dark. Still fun catching them though!
11/3/2013 8:38:00 AM
If you are going to release them, fish do much better if you don't take them out of the water. Beaching them wipes off their protective slime and they start growing fungus.
11/3/2013 8:55:00 AM
I 100 percent agree with you and I usually keep them in the water but this one got itself wrapped in my line so it was better if I landed him first for to untangle it for a few seconds and I also wanted to snap a pic so people didnt think I was making up a fishing story. I also dont think this fish was going to live much longer to even be effected by a fungus. Thanks anyways HillBillyGeek.
Mike Carey
11/3/2013 9:07:00 AM
yup, in about two weeks that fish is going to have more issues than a little fungus to deal with. That said, the proper handling advice for catch and release is appreciated for those new to fishing to see. The photo has been removed because it violates a WDFW reg. Page 14: "SALMON and TROUT HANDLING RULES
FRESHWATER: “It is unlawful to totally remove salmon, steelhead, or Dolly Varden/Bull Trout from the water if it is unlawful to retain those fish, or if
the angler subsequently releases the salmon, steelhead, Dolly Varden/Bull Trout.”
11/3/2013 10:53:00 AM
Okay good to know, thanks Mike
11/4/2013 5:50:00 PM
Question for you Mike. Sense Im "new" to fishing, would I be better off killing a fish and keeping it when it gets tangled in my line and I have to pull him out of the water to set it free because I mean thats UNLAWFUL to take it out of the water right? Or do they have a better chance of surviving even with a little bit of their protective coat missing and I risk getting a ticket for doing the right thing? By any means I am not arguing against you. I just want to know the right thing to do next time this scenario occurs. Thanks and much appreciated. Im still learning.
Mike Carey
11/4/2013 7:02:00 PM
It's not my position to argue, I'm just posting the regs per WDFW. I encourage anglers who have an issue with this new (2013) reg to contact WDFW and give them your input. They need to hear the problems this reg cause.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709