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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon

Been awhile since i have made any posts so i figured i would sum up the past few weeks. I have moved out of Auburn to Kirkland so i have been spending alot of time learning new waters mainly the Snohomish. Things started off slow as i poked around trying to find a spot i really liked and could be productive. So far Thomas Eddy has been the best place i have found. The main problem with the Snohomish compared to the Green or the Puyallup is the size of the river. I have never been a fan of fishing bigger rivers the dynamics are so much different.

October 14th, 16th, and 17th were not so good spent most of the time looking for fishy water. Managed a few nasty pinks and a jack. Bad week overall. Main tactics were dick nites and jigs.

October 21st, 23rd, and 24th things started to pick up. Doing some research online i found Thomas Eddy. The 21st was slow as i worked various parts of the area trying to figure out what i liked and what was working. The 23rd and 24th were very good as i dialed in on a location and a technique. Eggs or jigs seem to be the best bet. Managed 5 very bright silvers keepers for the 23rd/24th and released a number of jacks and a few darker fish. One that had that tapioca disease. It had what looked like little BB's just under its skin. Overall i would say the fishing in the area was fair to good.

October 28th, 29th, 31st, and 1st were the best for me. Most fish were caught on eggs with a few twitching a jig. Managed 2 on the 28th, 2 on the 29th, 3 on the 31st, and 1 on the 1st. Over that stretch i released about 5 jacks, 5 darker fish, and lost 2 at my feet. All keeper fish were very bright which surprised me considering the time of year. I would say over the course of the week fishing at the Eddy got slower and stinkier as the water dropped for most people.

Sunday (3rd) after the rain was not so good as my usual spot was almost unreachable and nice new snag appeared right in the middle of my drift. The water was fast, brown, and full of debris (lots of floating maggots). I did randomly manage a nice chum but that was it. Some fish were being caught but not many. The guy just above me managed to snag 2 silvers that i had to help release because he couldnt control the fish and they kept ending up at my feet. He had a 2/0 hook, the smallest red bead you will ever see, and a good 10 foot leader going. After listening to him rip his line at the end of his drift for over an hour i had enough and bailed for the day.

Today (4th) was ok. Got to the park around 6:30 and the gate was still closed and nobody was waiting. The guy opened the gate about 5 minutes later. As far as fishermen go they trickled in slowly. The water had dropped into shape, was still dropping, and the color was good. Managed 3 jacks at my usual spot on eggs but the new snag was eating up my leaders. Moved to a different spot on the Eddy and saw a few more fish caught but it was slow. I drove up to Sultan and fished the pay to enter area. Alot of silvers in the area but the water was moving slow and the sun was out so they were not having anything. Tried jigs, spoons, spinners, and eggs. Only one other guy and he also got skunked. Shot down to Al Borlin and it was dead as a door nail. A number of guys reported nothing was happening. Lastly i hit the prison hole with the same results, nada.

Hoping for one last push of fish with the new rain.


11/5/2013 7:59:00 AM
you did great last week as the fish have not been biting
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709