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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skokomish River Report
Mason County, WA


46° - 50°
Drift Fishing
Chum Salmon
Corky & Yarn
All Day

Well the weatherman was wrong about Sunday...big surprise huh? They said Sunday was supposed to be nicer...NOT! Was cold windy and rainy, but the fishing was still good so I guess it's a wash.

Hit the Skok from sun up to about 2pm. Same is it's been, chum fest. But there were Silvers being caught yesterday. Chrome bright and chunky football shaped Silvers.

Drifting a single 6mm bead with 1oz of weight. Look for pools of slow moving water and cast into them. Color doesn't much matter, but when I hooked into my Silver, it was a green bead.

Me and my buddy let his 18 year old brother in law tag along...good kid overall, but he ticked me off a few times. As long as my normal fishing buddy was available, he would help me net any fish I wanted to keep...but if he was fighting a fish, I had to ask "the kid" to help. Well I had a BEAUTIFUL silver on the line, played it, and got it withing netting distance. The kid was fumbling all over the place and missed with the net 3 different times and finally spooked the fish so bad that went crazy and snapped my leader. That fish should be in my freezer right now...I was NOT happy. But I didn't say anything to him and just kept fishing. He also lost a few fish for my buddy too. Frustrating...but that's life I guess.

Ended up taking home 4 bright Chum hens. Smoker meat is nice and orange and they still had sea lice on them. Big fat skeins don't hurt either.

All in all, another good day of fishing...but seriously, that Silver football should be vacuum packed in my freezer right now darn it.


11/19/2013 5:53:00 AM
that is good you had a good day, but really, stop crying about a lost fish and blaming it on the kid. that experience was probably something he doesnt get a chance at so his adrenalin was probably pumping. I know i was scared out of my wits when I was asked to net an 18 lb king on the Puyallup for a stranger. I have been fishing for a few years and netted numerous fish, but i didnt want to lose that fish for that guy so i was a little frazzled and it took two tries at it. you should have looked at it as a teaching experience and explained to him how to do it properly and how to communicate with the guy holding the rod so that when that situation comes up again (and maybe it is a king or a steelhead) he will know exactly what he is supposed to do and be prepared to close the deal for you. Anyway, im not trying to bash on you, and yeah it would have been cool to punch your card in the coho column, just remember there will always be other fish you to catch, but not so many opportunities to teach a "kid" how to.
11/19/2013 7:51:00 AM
Well you don't know the history. This isn't the first time he's joined us. He's not new to fishing. He just doesn't listen. We've tried to teach him things so many times and he nods his head and acknowledges you, and then keeps doing the same thing we tried to get him to do differently. You can explain why you should do it a certain way and he says he gets it, and then he just does it his way again. I watched this kid cast into the same snag on the puyallup for about 2 hours before he got pissed and wanted to quit. We had told him at least 5 or 6 times to move by us, or just move anywhere away from the snag. He just kept casting into it thinking he could beat it and then he gets pissed after he lost probably 10 sets of gear or more. Im actually a patient guy and I'm all for teaching, but there is history with this one so don't judge before you know the full story.
11/19/2013 10:36:00 AM
And also hey mizm05 if the fish had enough energy to snap the line with a short run after three net attempts the fish wasn't played long enough next time you might wanna give the fish a little more time to do its thing that's what you came for no need to horse on it. just a little advice take it or leave it... cheers brotha. See ya down there.
11/19/2013 11:00:00 AM
Point taken...thanks for the advice.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709