12/9/2013 3:35:00 PM
12/9/2013 4:03:00 PM
12/9/2013 5:22:00 PM
12/9/2013 5:46:00 PMNice fish mizm05!

12/9/2013 8:33:00 PM
12/9/2013 9:03:00 PM
12/9/2013 9:03:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Talk about down to the wire! Hit the water at 7am and ended the the day at dusk. Had a buddy with me and he was landing fish on and off all day (we found a secret weapon that drives the fish crazy out there and it's something you may never have thought of). He landed a boot King, probably 12 lbs or so...then he landed and kept 2 very nice and bright hatchery Coho. I believe he also landed a chum or two throughout the day but you have to release those out there.
I on the other hand, hooked into multiple fish throughout the day, and every single one of them ended up getting off somehow. Lost a big Coho right at the bank as my buddy was swooping down with the net. Lost others out in the water. So we get to 4pm and I have ZERO fish on the stringer! I was feeling pretty frustrated because I had hooked into plenty throughout the day. So my buddy is giving me crap and I tell him "dude, I was just waiting for the end of the day to make it suspenseful, I'm about to go limit out right now". Well I was just joking with him, but that's exactly what happened! It was epic! I went to my favorite hole that I had been battling with all afternoon, and sure enough, just changing my depth by using a bigger cork and BAM! First cast, fish on! Got her in the net, marked my card and ran back out there. 2 to 3 casts and BAM, second fish on! 2 hatch Coho hens back to back within the last 15 minutes of the day. I came back to the bank and said "I told you dude, I just wanted to make it suspenseful"....LOL
Also had another buddy that joined us mid-day. It was a slow period while he was with us, although he saw my buddy nailing fish with our new secret lure. He had to go early to take care of his sick girlfriend and I didn't have my fish at that point so I was joking and told him, "I'm gonna send you a pic at the end of the day that's gonna piss you off because as soon as you leave I'm gonna land fish"...and that's what ended up happening. Sorry bud, I was kidding when I said it! LOL
Good day on the Hump...it's COLD out there! Bring some firewood if you'll be bank fishing.
Saw a guy land one steelhead on a spinner, but that's the only steel we saw. All silvers for us (not complaining). We tried various gear and techniques, and all of them produced. My buddy hit fish on jigs (twitching and floating), eggs, and he hit fish drifting our new secret "Hump Killer" lure. I hooked into fish with spinners, twitching jigs, and when those slowed down, drifting a cork. I also got into fish with our secret lure. I think it's just something those fish haven't seen before and it drives them mad. My buddy was just messing around trying new stuff and found something that they love, or hate...either way they're biting it! LOL
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service