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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



31° - 35°
Drift Fishing
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait
Under 40°

What a beautiful day on the water. Floated the Sky from the High Bridge launch to sultan. My first time floating this river and despite no fish for the day I had a blast rowing my buddy's Clackacraft through the rapids, I didn't want to give up the oars. We pulled out on a gravel bar and ate lunch and fished what looked like perfect water with no luck. Anchored and drifted eggs and jigs tipped with shrimp. We thought it was going to be a great day when one of the bank anglers landed a steelhead 50 yards from us as we were launching in the early light. Some of the holes seemed like they were a mile deep. Most of the steelhead I've caught were in water much shallower, behind boulders etc. I'm sure there was fish down there, but I don't think we were getting gear deep enough. We fished the shallower sections with ease but how the heck does a guy fish those deep sections? I guess you gotta skip the float and throw some lead on your swivel and side drift it? Probably wouldn't have mattered, there were at least 6 boats drifting the river, saw some jet boats, bank anglers etc and besides the one guy who landed a fish at first light no one we talked to caught anything, 2 boats said they had a fish on and lost it. We back trolled a nice section and watched the rod double over and before we could grab it, nada. Fish never got hooked. Sorry to give this day a 1. In all honesty, this was the most fun I've ever had fishing where I never caught anything. Any tips you guys have are greatly appreciated.


Bank drifter
1/6/2014 9:18:00 PM
Use a bobber stop to adjust your jig for the deeper sections, a heavy spoon will do the trick too, let it drop and swing....plugs in deep water too, not sure water color was right for it but never know ......bait under a float with a slider to get it down lower....you have the right attitude , that is the most important thing.
1/6/2014 9:44:00 PM
I keep searching for a drift boat myself. Fishing long stretches is a blast!
1/6/2014 10:16:00 PM
Sounds like an amazing day on the water. It has taken me a while to see the value in a perfect day on the water, even when I catch no fish.
Our day will come, where the perfect day will also include fish photos too!
Happy fishing!
1/7/2014 12:47:00 PM
Part of the problem we were having was just the constant changes in depths, by the time I'd adjust my bobber stop the river changed contour. It's a pretty lengthy float, so we really didn't have a ton of time in any one hole. I need my own drift boat, I just bought a polaris dragon and now I'm thinking I shouldv'e gone for the drift boat, time to start saving up again. Typically I'm a bit down if I don't get fish, but this time the adventure of floating new water was more than good. I know guys who've floated that section over 50 times, I'm pretty sure if I was them I would be a bit frustrated by the slow action. Fortunately, just the luxury of the weather, scenery and rapids was epic enough for this guy.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709