1/25/2014 5:21:00 PMjonb
1/25/2014 5:25:00 PMcalicoi
1/25/2014 6:43:00 PMjonb
1/25/2014 6:48:00 PMjonb
1/25/2014 6:56:00 PMcalicoi
1/25/2014 7:06:00 PMjonb
1/25/2014 7:37:00 PMjonb
1/25/2014 7:39:00 PMcalicoi
1/25/2014 8:00:00 PMjonb
1/25/2014 8:02:00 PMchwong
1/25/2014 9:03:00 PMBTW - Glad you have a new phone. Now we can see your pictures of your fish clearly.
1/25/2014 9:17:00 PMAJFishdude
1/25/2014 9:22:00 PMjonb
1/25/2014 9:49:00 PMAJFishdude
1/25/2014 10:06:00 PMThe Quadfather
1/25/2014 10:30:00 PMMaybe one day this year we can hook up as well?!
1/26/2014 8:11:00 AMSteelhead6438
1/26/2014 2:19:00 PMcolel311
1/26/2014 2:45:00 PMTROUT: The combined daily limit for an angler that fishes in both rivers and lakes on the same day is 5 TROUT. In the combined daily limit, only 2 TROUT may be from rivers, except as provided for EASTERN BROOK TROUT.
In rivers, streams, and beaver ponds: Min. size 8". Daily limit 2. When fishing with bait, all TROUT
(except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit
whether kept or released.
In lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: No min. size. Daily limit 5. When fishing with bait, all TROUT
(except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit
whether kept or released.
1/26/2014 3:41:00 PMjonb
1/26/2014 4:05:00 PMjonb
1/26/2014 4:20:00 PMNeed I say more?!?!
Mike Carey
1/26/2014 6:54:00 PMpg 17 - The Special Rules (pages 21-95) list
freshwater areas where the Statewide Rules
have been modified.
pg 22:
"With various fish populations across the state being listed under the Endangered Species Act, WDFW must provide as much
protection as possible for all life stages of these populations, in particular for rearing juveniles. For many years, the standard stream
rule opened rivers, streams, and beaver ponds to fishing for Game Fish from the first Saturday in June – October 31, with an 8"
minimum size, 2 fish/day limit. Consequently, much of the juvenile rearing habitat for resident trout and Dolly Varden and anadromous
salmon, steelhead, cutthroat, and Bull Trout was open for fishing. As a result, these juvenile salmonids were at risk of being
incidentally caught and may have not survived being handled and released, especially if bait was used.
***In 2010 we adopted a new management strategy that offered additional protection to stocks in streams draining into Puget Sound
and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. In 2012 this strategy was extended to the Coast. The basic rule in these waters is that all rivers,
streams, and beaver ponds are closed to fishing unless they are listed in the following tables within the Puget Sound, Strait, and
Coastal River sections of the pamphlet (see pages 23-51). These tables detail ALL of the fishing opportunity in these drainages.
Areas open to fisheries are presented by river system unless the waters drain directly to salt water. All other waters in these
drainages are closed to fishing. Beaver ponds located within or connected to streams listed as open to TROUT and Other Game Fish
follow the same rules as the stream unless otherwise listed.***
We have provided a map of these watersheds (below) to get you started on locating an area where you would like to fish. There
are also alphabetical listings of open areas (see pages 22 and 39). The Columbia River and its tributaries remain as listed in the
conventional format and still fall under the statewide seasons, unless otherwise noted."
And finally, as noted on pg 29: Wallace River: from 363 ave se/ Reese road (dike road) to 200' upstream or water intake of salmon hatchery: Dolly varden/ bull trout min size 20" daily limit 2 All other TROUT min size 14" daily limit 2
If you're not happy with the way WDFW has written these rules, I challenge you to send them an e-mail, call them, and express your concerns. Then tell us (in the forum) your experience and how you made an effort to make a difference in what you feel is an improper WDFW regulation. Otherwise you're just making a bunch of noise with no consequence.