6/5/2014 10:44:00 AM
6/5/2014 2:34:00 PMBentRod, I've caught channel cats in the Snake, but not in the Yakima.

6/5/2014 3:51:00 PMRelaxing on a lake/river with a pole in the water on a nice day is never annoying or frustrating. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, that's what makes it fun.
But anyways sucker fish with a 2 oz cannon never fails for me, i just got back from camping there in may and i got a couple nice cats, still really slow though. best time to go is early July. i usually get my sucker fish from the Columbia.

6/5/2014 3:55:00 PM
6/5/2014 10:44:00 PMI've also tried what I think amounts to a steelhead rig - a drop weight of 2 oz or so of slinky weights, bounced off the bottom, with a spinner or bait below. All that does is make me lose everything below the slinky weight rig (either the spinner on the rocks, or the bait getting torn off because of the current), and even if it doesn't, I wouldn't notice a bite from a bounce off the rocks.

6/6/2014 7:00:00 PM