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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Hoh River Report
Jefferson County, WA




Went out to float the Hoh on thursday and target Steelhead on the fly. Fished for an hour or two with nothing biting, then wham! Out of a nondescript hole a chromer hits. Lifted the rod to set the hook and the reel falls off the rod! Grabbed the line and keep pulling him in while the guide gets the reel back on the rod. Played for a short time and landed a beautiful 9 lb. fish.
About an hour later, fishing some rocky areas and a hog hits the line. This time when I lift to set the hook, the rod breaks in half! No joke. I grabbed that line too but lost him with the next jump. Strange day but I still got my first Steelhead.


8/29/2014 11:40:00 PM
Enjoyed the write-up!
8/30/2014 6:35:00 AM
The same thing happened to me last year fishing the Wallace for coho. As soon as the hook into a nice cohort hen my reel comes off my Tod so I managed to play with the fish for a minute (which seemed forever) while I struggle to put the reel back on the rod. For a moment I had to reel in while the reel was just hanging off my Tod. Did land that coho and added sip ties to the rod and reel so it won't happen again.
8/30/2014 11:44:00 AM
You can bet i'm checking that reel seat like a madman now! At least we got the fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709