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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Duwamish River Report
King County, WA


Coho Salmon

First I would like to shout out to losaturn for the tips for this river...4 thumbs up...

This report is for wednesday morning fishing trip. It is a bitter sweet report.
The good,
I started my 45 minute drive from Bothell to the famous 112th st at 5am, got to the parking spot still dark so I scout the river for a while, the tide was high and the river looks like a flat lake. So i waited till there is enough light to fish. finally a little while later light out and the tide started to shift, so i started floating roe, got lots of hits but bobber never go for a deep dive. Every time i reeled in bait always gone, maybe 10 cast and 3 cluster wasted later i finally hook into something, to my suprise it was a small striped perch. now i know whos stealing my bait, so i change set up to bottom drifting eggs. to no succes and losing 3 set ups from snags i venture and looked for a smoother spot. I started at the right side of the bridge at boeing side, this time found a spot on the left side, by this time the current/tide is getting stronger the low tide is about to happen and just perfect for drifting bottom, for cast and tap tap set the hook and first fish started peeling of my reel, "fish on", a jack( I almost forgot how a salmon fight). then my second fish , then my third.and call it aday. I fish from early morning and done around 1pm. the fish didnt come easy, i have to work for it, used up all my last batch of eggs.

Highlight: is when i hook into a bigger fish that got me fighting for over 20 minutes, I put on a big cluster of roe, bouncing in the bottom when i felt a tug, set the hook and started running all the way down river, its stop and i thought i lost it and get my line hang up on something(fish not moving for 3 minutes) then a guys throwing spoon across river casted over my line and got it untangled when it start fighting again walk it on the side of the river then it got wrapped up on a log and i see the fish swim away like nothing happen. Looks like a king although i am not sure but it was a big one.

when I got to my car and get ready to change from my muddy wader, decided to have a photo opt, took a couple selfie. sit my phone and sweater on the ground and finish changing, put away fish and gear in the trunk, hop on and drive off. guess whats missing when i got home, Yes, my sweater and phone is missing. I left it at the parking spot. If any by chance somebody from this site pick it up, please pm me. Its really much appreaciated. thank you.

All in all I got my 3 fish,not very big, lost a sweater and phone, but still a good day on the river. its also amazing how low that river can get on low tide and how diffrent it looks. i will be back soon, and i will be careful not losing stuff.

fish are in, have fun, be safe, and make sure u got everything before you drive off.


9/12/2014 6:45:00 AM
Congrats on your success! Sorry to hear about your phone though.
9/12/2014 11:36:00 AM
Good job HULI_ISDA. It's good to hear you caught some fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709