10/20/2014 11:41:00 AM
Wind In His Hair
10/20/2014 12:19:00 PM
10/20/2014 4:04:00 PMWDFW has nothing to do with it. It is all handled by the National Park Service Biologist and Enforcement. My guess is it wont' happen again.

Wind In His Hair
10/20/2014 5:01:00 PMLearned a lot from that link - barbless hooks required

Red beard
10/20/2014 6:20:00 PM
10/20/2014 7:04:00 PMThey did mark it. You may have driven right past it. I had to look for it. To put it bluntly, they blew it and they know it. Question is what will they do about it.

10/20/2014 7:29:00 PMSORRY GUYS!!!

10/20/2014 8:01:00 PMI do check the Park Regs when I fish rivers inside the Park that I don't normally fish. Like you, it never crossed my mind to check the Regs on a place I've been fishing for years. I never read anything about on the net or had any of the local tackle shops tell me. They did a poor job letting us know. I'm sure that will change if it is fishable this weekend. It will be interesting to see what they do.
WDFW has nothing to do with the Park. It's out of their hands. One other thing. A lot of people are surprised how far up-river the boundary line is. It puts a Huge pieve of fishable water in the Park.

Red beard
10/20/2014 8:28:00 PM
10/20/2014 8:52:00 PMIf you are in the Park you are on Federal Land. WDFW has NO jurisdiction. Olympic National Park has there own Regs. Have as long as I remember. For Queets, Salmon, parts of the Hoh etc. http://www.nps.gov/olym/upload/OLYM_Fish_2014.pdf Also you can look at the board by the Rangers Office. I read it there Saturday. I found this as well. http://www.nps.gov/olym/parknews/olympic-national-park-proposes-minor-changes-to-recreation-fishing-regulations.htm
Good Luck

10/21/2014 9:08:00 PM
10/21/2014 9:14:00 PM
10/21/2014 10:30:00 PMAn honest mistake is one thing. The blatant Poaching I saw is another matter.
The Quiliayute like the the Hoh, Salmon, Bogi etc all have parts that are controlled by WDFW and parts controlled by the Park Service. For instance the Quillayute up by the Sol Duc bridge is out of the park and controlled by WDFW. The Park line is a few miles down river down to the mouth.
The reason they have different Regs is they have different views of what to do with Wild Fish. I talked to the Park Biologist yesterday and he said there view is that ALL Wild Salmon, Stealhead and Trout should be released. Thus, there rules are written that way for a number of rivers if not all. I haven't done the research on it. One of the links I posted was for Public Comment about the Rule Change for 2014. It looked like it had 0 comments. How many people look at the Park Website for fishing in the winter. That is why I bitched at them for not doing a better job of letting us know. I hope this helps.

10/22/2014 9:01:00 AM
10/22/2014 1:42:00 PMYou are wrong. I suggest you drive down to Richwine bar and talk to Parks Enforcement and the Parks Biologist. I did. A lot of people including me thought it was lower. It is not. Actually Forks residents told me where it was and I personally went and found it Sunday. Forks residents were also releasing fish. If you are fishing Richwine below the top riffle you are in the Park. I'm 100% sure. I would guess by this weekend the Boundary will be better marked. They did cut brush around a tree on the far bank and put a White Marker on the tree. Ribbons on our side. It all boils down to the Park Service did a poor job.
I went to the store that night and people were talking to one of the workers about it. I told him what I was told by locals I know (it was dark when I came out that night). The worker thought it was lower as well. Then a Park worker walked up to check out. They asked him and he explained where it was. It was right where I was told.
As far as the boat goes. I have not answer on that. We were wondering the same thing. You're an adult. Do what you think is right.