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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sol Duc River Report
Clallam County, WA



Coho Salmon

Just thought I would pop in and put up a report for this system. Some people are arguing about how people are catching fish here. From what I've seen everything is just fine. I met a few guys this weekend who agreed with me. I'm not going to say anything bad about it and we had an awesome time. We kept a half limit of silvers and released a few more. The water was high but still caught a few and I was lucky to catch this big king. Maybe 22 - 24 lbs. We took a few pictures and I held him in the water until he swam off to make more for future generations. This system is a gem for our great state and I only hope others feel the same.


10/28/2014 10:21:00 AM
Nice fish and report Red beard. The Quilayute, Bogachiel and SolDuc Rivers are gems and should be respected and cherished. That's a nice fish you're holding. Fat. I'm appreciative that you are a fisherman and not just a fish butcher out there. The fish and sport are so much more than just harvesting fish and having good meals. I've seen some absolute brutality towards these beautiful fish and it's a little sad. These are usually fisherman who leave behind 100 yards of 20lb test line intertwined with the fish guts they leave at the side of the river for the Eagles to get tangled up in. I have no use for people like that. Thanks for being a sportsman and not a barbarian.
10/28/2014 11:39:00 AM
Right On Red,

I was there Friday / Saturday as well and almost took that same picture!

I even spoke to the rangers , who weren't clear on the regs either.

Everybody I saw fishing all had mouth hooked fish and saw a few natives released. I fished on the upper section on the Richwine, outside the park boundry.

No rude people, just a few not willing to cast in order but that seems to be expected.

I thought the rain would blow the rivers out, but I would be willing to fish between the Indians right now if I didn't have a job.

Beautiful Chrome silvers coming through right now.

The Skykomish still sucks.
10/28/2014 12:44:00 PM
Are those the park rules you photographed? Correct me if im wrong, but it looks to me like one can KEEP 2 wild fish + 2 additional hatchery coho from Sept.1-Nov.30 in the park. It clearly states that you must release wild fish Feb.1-Aug.31. Am i the only one reading those rules that way in your photo? Says nothing about releasing wild salmon in this time period.
Red beard
10/28/2014 1:10:00 PM
That is exactly right. Those are rules posted in the mora campground inside the national park. I just wanted to clarify because another report stated otherwise.
10/28/2014 2:13:00 PM
Nice fish Red. Glad you put it back. The King run is weak. Has been for years.

Ok, since I started this. Unless the Park has changed the rules in the last week what you have is an old version. Check the date next time your down there. I found one on the board that matched the Park website and May 2014 Fish & Shellfish Regulations I picked up at the Rangers Office. Here is a link to the current May 2014 rules http://www.nps.gov/olym/upload/OLYM_Fish_2014.pdf

Also, I just pulled this off their website for the Quillayute

Release all wild steelhead, salmon, and trout
See State regulations for daily limits of hatchery salmon and steelhead from
the park boundary upstream to the confluences of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel

Again, I talked to the Biologist. The Parks view is all Wild Fish should be released. That is different then WDFW. Park is Federal Land.

Biologist phone # is on the Regs Pamphlet. He's a nice guy 360-565-3081. I suggest you call and let them know if you aren't happy about the confusion. I have. Ask questions.

One last thing. I don't post crap. I posted the original Quillayute thread after doing research. I visually verified the Boundary Markers, I drove down to the Ranger Station and checked 3 different Bulletin Boards until I found the most current Regs and verified what I was told by life long locals. I grabbed a Regs Pamphlet. I watched people keep way over limit, I watched people cut off heads and tails, fillet fish and drag them up on the beach. I called WDFW and found out they have no jurisdiction. I called the Park Biologist and the Park Ranger and verified the Rule Change. I also posted in an earlier thread a link to the Proposal the Park put out last winter that we all missed.

I fish in some combat fishing areas. I've pretty much seen it all. I kind of draw the line when people are blatantly breaking the law in one of our National Parks. It just isn't right. I hope people are turning back the Wild fish if that is what the rule calls for. I hope they are treating the fish right so they survive (That is probably my biggest bitch). But I doubt it's happening with everyone. After fishing the area for 20+ years it's hard to see the crap that happens in more populated areas move over to Forks. I know I'm not the only one that has noticed.

One last thing. People keeping Wild Coho in the Park or in many cases more than the 2 Wild Fish the State allows hurts all of us. It is Poaching. Most of you probably don't remember the Restrictions put on the Quillayute System in the past. Closed in early October to fishing. Release All Wild Coho. There is a reason a lot of the local Guides have committed to releasing Wild Kings. They know it could happen again.

Mak: Water was to high for any amount of snagging. That usually happens in low water.
Red beard
10/28/2014 7:29:00 PM
Hey thanks for the input. I was glad to throw him back into the mix. I hope no one else snags him on his way upstream. As for the rule change thing, I don't see why the park system can't go out and change out the only sign they have up stating the rules. It wouldn't take more than 5 minutes. If i were stopped and cited by a ranger for breaking the rules that they haven't made apparent, than I am not in the wrong, I read the regs and always follow them, we shouldn't have to dig into the achieves. You and I pay a lot of tax dollars for shit like this, and If they are so concerned about it, then they should take action and change it.
10/30/2014 10:00:00 PM
Any thought on how long this fishery will last??

Was thinking about returning 11/6.


Makscoot out
10/31/2014 8:40:00 AM
Its already done, i heard the quilcene is where its at....
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709