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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


16° - 20°
Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Corky & Yarn
Under 40°

Another great day on the sky, started with the old faithful corky and bait, landed a nice buck and a hen silver, i think they were married, beautiful fish. Also landed 5 chum, 2 dollys, and a nice hatchery 11 pound buck steelhead.


11/17/2014 12:36:00 PM
No pics? Coho chum dollies and steel all in the same day? If it was me I wouldve taken nearly a dozen pics on a day that good.. I believe this is what they call a fish story. I don't believe you.
11/17/2014 12:40:00 PM
Hoho, there goes Mr. B riling up the locals!
11/17/2014 2:03:00 PM
This would be a once in a lifetime day!
11/17/2014 2:12:00 PM
Jonb I stand by your statement. No pics no believers but I do take pics on my phone but can't seem to load them on this website for some odd reason. I used to be able from my old phone but now that I got a new one they won't go thru. Anyways I'll be out there this week to see if I could have one those spectacular days.
Picture me trollin'
11/17/2014 3:44:00 PM
I have fished the Sky for over 15 years and that does seem like an almost unbelievable day. However encouraging people to remove fish from the water they don't intend to keep to appease the skeptics on this site is a rookie move
11/17/2014 4:57:00 PM
Landing two coho in a day is not that far stretched. I've hooked several chums during this time as well. They can stack up heavy. I've also gotten lucky with a steelhead at this time too. Nice day out there jonb!
11/17/2014 5:59:00 PM
pics or it didn't happen. just kidding sound like an epic day!
11/17/2014 6:50:00 PM
epic day ? really? Sounds like a good day I believe it. Sounds like he can fish is all.Those fish are all in system right now.
11/17/2014 6:52:00 PM
Pictures are for tourists!
11/17/2014 7:41:00 PM
2 sentence report, no pics, I remain a skeptic. theres nothing wrong with documenting your catch with a photo when you intend to write a report about it, and you don't need to remove any fish from the water to do it.
11/17/2014 8:06:00 PM
I was at the sky today, no signs of silvers, today but lots of chums, I have been fishing more over 20 years, to catch all, those species of fish in the same day, is once In a life time thing, and one hell of a day, it's not impossible, but I will tell you one thing a pictures says a millions words, pictures would put this report to reset, Any pics ?

If you report is true than, you must have had one of the most excellent fishing day in life, you should buy a lottery ticket, and if you win split half of it with me.
11/17/2014 8:54:00 PM
If you know what you are doing, coho chum and steelhead in the same day is not so "once in a lifetime" crazy... I mean he caught 8 fish. Happened to be 3 species which all bite relatively the same gear. You can pull that off on the skagit in december on a near daily basis
11/17/2014 10:48:00 PM
I don't disagree with you about it being possible fishenfreak . Not at all. I know it's possible to catch those fish. I just don't believe this guy had a day like that and only wrote a 2 sentence report and no photos. .what would you have done? I'm sure you would have been at least a tad more excited than 2 sentences and no photos... Just seems off to me.
11/18/2014 3:43:00 AM
Once again I stand by jonb. No need to remove fish from water for a quick release day. Ive had days like that I was super stoked. Took pics and proved it to my colleagues. Its not an impossible day but like jonb said but two sentences, no pic and this guy sure isn't defending his post which leads me to believe its a fish story.
11/18/2014 3:52:00 AM
I would like to offer everyone some of my smoked fish, except Jonb of course, what a poor sport, i think you ought to have some fishing lessons and experience this type of day for yourself! Until next report, tight lines!
11/18/2014 7:35:00 AM
Thanks, Well, at least share how far up river you were. Monroe area seems lifeless, except for Chums.
Jungle Jim
11/18/2014 8:16:00 AM
It does not matter what he tells you regarding where he caught the fish. Remember, it's a fish story. You can spot a post from a mile away when it is intended to do nothing but get people riled up. Whether he did or did not catch the fish he claims to have caught, this post was for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of readers. Personal issues, maybe?
11/18/2014 9:47:00 AM
I have enough smoked fish disamatic. I stop fishing for cohos when I had 6 on my card, because more than that would get wasted, at this stage I'm going to leave those fish to spawn. Instead of pulling them off their redds for personal pleasure, like yourself. I don't fish for endangered species or spawned out salmon.
11/18/2014 11:53:00 AM
LOL!!! Can tell fishing is slow, everyone in a frenzy over a bogus report!!! Our mysterious fishing friend, "disamatic17" says he caught all his wondrous catch on his "faithful corky and bait", but in his info report he calls it "corky and yarn" bait is mysteriously "unavailable"! Water temp below 40 degrees would put him fishing amid icebergs! Keeps fellow fishermen safe and warm at their computers during the colder weather. Have fun!!!
Gringo Pescador
11/18/2014 2:32:00 PM
November 24th of last year we floated the Sky, 4 guys fishing 1 hole for about an hour we got a coho, a wild summer run, a hatchery winter run, a chum and a dolly. It's not too far fetched.. It is very rarely that I ever take the time to take a pic of a fish I am releasing. Maybe the guy doesn't like to type... Oh and nice job man!
11/18/2014 4:39:00 PM
I think the report may be a commercial. But who cares? There's a lot of fish moving past the mouth of the Sultan as of yesterday.
Mike Carey
11/18/2014 8:43:00 PM
Oy va'... first, thanks for posting the report, believed by many or not, pics or not. If I'm fishing alone and I'm not keeping, I may very well not take a picture in order to get the fish back in the water safely. Anyway, does show the variety of fish available.
11/18/2014 8:50:00 PM
11/19/2014 2:59:00 PM
He might get it fishing his "corky and bait" and a treble hook :)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709