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South Fork Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



46° - 50°
Cutthroat Trout

Hit the stilly to one of my favorite spots to throw some favorite spoons for some one of my favorite fish Cuttis. Before the rain shows up for this week (so the forecast shows) and possible blowing out the river. Condition was good and about 10 feet visibility in water, 48 degree cool temp, 3:30pm 3rd cast had something heavy on for about 2 seconds, fish spit the hook out. Few more casts and landed a nice beautiful healthy cutt (been slow for them this year) safely released back. My brother also had something big, that broke off his lure, possible steelhead or coho, daylight was almost gone, seen a good amount of surfacing fish, from small to big, got dark and cold headed home. Overall great weather and river conditions.


11/19/2014 4:12:00 PM
Sure looks like a treble hook, you might want to read the rule book a little better.
the piranha
11/19/2014 5:03:00 PM
That sure is one nice cut throat!
11/19/2014 7:11:00 PM
fear_no_fish you might want to not be an idiot and look at the picture again before you post. it is clearly a single hook place onto a split ring. stfu. noob. quit worrying about regs when you cant even determine a picture.
11/19/2014 7:13:00 PM
Some people are so worried about the regs these days they wont even take the time to thoroughly look at a picture before they rage. so pathetic. there is nothing but a single hook on that split ring. chill out bro.
11/19/2014 7:14:00 PM
By the way, Nice catch! beautiful fish you caught! Sorry, I was too busy defending you because this guy clearly cant see a single hook on a split ring lmfao.
11/19/2014 7:26:00 PM
Thanks trophy hunter and the piranha , this days looks like its hard for people to congratulate, but hate more,

fear no fish: it's a single hook I know my regs, the reason you might think it a treble, cuz of the thick shaft of the hook, It used to be a treble, which 2 of the hooks were snipped off, making it a single hook on a split ring
11/19/2014 7:51:00 PM
What makes you think that looks like a treble hook? Clearly you don't know and then you want to try and lecture a guy on reading the rule book better? Worry about your self there big guy.

Nice fish leo!
11/19/2014 7:54:00 PM
Thanks fishindude
11/19/2014 9:47:00 PM
Leo, i'm not trying to hate on you. Sorry for calling you out on it, i have no problem admitting that I was wrong. The hook shaft defiantly got me, i looked at it for a couple minutes and saw what i thought was a treble with the other two points hidden from view.

Trophyhunter, you are going on more of a "rage" then I did, so maybe you should just calm down. Most of us are grown ups and can handle a little mistake.

fishindude, Take your own advice and worry about your self there big guy.
11/19/2014 9:52:00 PM
Fear_ no_fish: no worries
11/21/2014 9:05:00 AM
Internet ragers make me giggle. I hope TrophyHunter starts posting a lot.
11/21/2014 9:06:00 AM
And yeah, it definitely looks like a treble hook, despite what the little rager had to say.
11/21/2014 1:28:00 PM
looks can be deceiving,
Mike Carey
11/21/2014 7:13:00 PM
Looks single to me. I downloaded the pic and zoomed in. When in doubt, think the best of people until proven otherwise. Take it from a 56 year old with more grey every year. :-)
7/17/2018 7:50:47 PM
What paert off the river man?
7/17/2018 11:02:31 PM
South fork
10/9/2018 9:10:40 PM
10/9/2018 9:11:04 PM
I live on the south fork
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709