12/16/2014 5:14:00 PMI've drifted the river in my boat from Plumb to Neal Road several times, and have scouted out several good locations along the river, but nothing has paid off yet. I've fished the Snoqualmie for a few years now for steelhead, as well as the Cowlitz and Skykomish. I like the Snoqualmie in particular as I can fish for a couple hours in the morning before work, or do an all-day drift on the weekend. However I have yet to catch a steelhead on any river. I checked my logs this morning and I'm about to hit 260 hours of time trying to catch a steelhead without success!
I use a variety of tactics depending on the conditions and where I'm fishing. Swinging a fly on a spey rod, bobber & jig, drifting eggs, corky & yarn, plugging, etc. Nothing yet, but I'm going to keep at it.

12/16/2014 5:51:00 PM
12/16/2014 6:14:00 PM
12/16/2014 7:19:00 PM
12/16/2014 7:32:00 PM@tmib, my advice is to pick one method and master it. Watch others using it successfully and mimic what they do. When I started, after much frustration, I did exactly this. I chose float/jig and worked on it until it paid off, then I perfected it. Now I'm moving on to other methods and am starting to get the hang of those. Steelhead are a challenge, but once you learn where to fish for them and how (depending on method), then they will come readily.

12/16/2014 8:14:00 PM
12/17/2014 12:20:00 AMI hired Ryan Hung (Reel Priorities) to teach me the knots, rigging and drilled him with questions. Then we hit the river.
Success can be measured at least a couple of ways. Nice exercise, time on a refreshing and beautiful river and two steelhead. That was an awesome day! Your day is just around the corner. Happy fishing!

12/17/2014 12:50:00 PM