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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cowlitz River Report
Cowlitz County, WA



31° - 35°
Drift Fishing
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait
Under 40°

My son and i went to the cowlitz yesterday his back from college for winter break and also work while his here trying to help me out,so we start fishing at the flats with jigs and bobber well i did he decided to head down i stayed and after an hour or so i meet up with him,at that time he had which to bait eggs that i cured (from the Coho's i caught few months ago at the skok river)he told me as i was walking next to him that he just lost a fish before i got there,i which also pencil lead on a swivel three foot leader and tied some bait,i didn't want to fish right next to him so i went up about a hundred yards from him the head of the hole his fishing the tail end,between other fisherman and the boats i had to wait to cast when i finally got into the rhythms of casting got a hit set hook fish on fought her for a few minutes and broke my leader,thirty minutes or so later had another one on only to lose it on rocks as i head back to where my son is fishing i notice he was fighting a fish,after a few dance she finally give up and my son punch the card by then the sun went behind threes and it was time to pack up and head home


the piranha
1/1/2015 2:12:00 PM
Nice, I haven't fished down there in years. I got my first steelhead down there, When there was that bridge to cross the creek.
1/4/2015 10:26:00 AM
does anyone know if steelhead still go up the BlueCreek or do they only go up the pipe?????
1/5/2015 6:23:00 PM
@Jutty I'm not sure i heard that all the run for the winter are heading to the dam,but the local told me that there's a lot of cutts in there we haven't fish in the creek for awhile since they put the pipe in
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709