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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


31° - 35°
Float Fishing
Mostly Sunny

(I've been fishing the Skykomish in various locations all week with no luck. I'm just reporting on my lack of luck yesterday to save time.)

I got to Reiter Ponds on Friday at 7:15 and the parking lot was already overflowing. (I should have known better and got there earlier.) My favorite spot across from the large boulder was taken (as were many others) so I had to find a spot slightly downriver). Right at daybreak (8am) I saw two fish caught right behind and next to the boulder which is where I wanted to be. I stayed there for about 2 hours and tried every color jig I had - pink, blue, purple, nightmare, white, orange - with not so much as a nibble. I tried with and without shrimp scent as well. I also tried Dick Nite spoons with no luck. (I had tried spinners earlier in the week with similar results.)

At 10am, being frustrated with no luck (which has been the case for the past 6 days), I decided to leave and try Wallace River again which I'll report on in another post.


1/4/2015 2:14:00 PM
Hire a guide. Plain and simple. Ryan Hung from Reel Priorities got me dialed in! Give him a shout.
1/5/2015 6:10:00 AM
Never show up to a well publicized fishing hole at dawn. My advice would be to show up 30 minutes before they open the gates also don'tleave fish to search for fish. If you would have started at Wallace that would be fine but you decided to hit reiter then check out Wallace not good strategy. I would try downriver from reiter one day to get away from crowds and the next Wallace. Remember don't go off sunrise time. Look at the naughtical twilight time. That gives you a better chance at being the first or oneof the first at any given fishing hole
1/5/2015 7:23:00 AM
Thanks Riverhunter for the advice. I didn't list the entire story. I was actually at Reiter for several hours. This was the third time in as many days. After not catching for days, I did move downriver before moving to Wallace. I didn't catch any fish this time but I've learned a lot especially about what time to get to the holes. I didn't think about nautical twilight. Thanks for the tip.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709